Chapter 47

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Charlie's POV:
Its 2:43 in the fucking morning and I'm thinking about her. I should be getting rest but all I can think about is how much I have let Meghan down. Over and over and over again. I pound my head into my pillow and groan.

Its 2:45 in the fucking morning and my heart hurts. It feels like little parts are just chipping away second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour. I never realized someone could actually have a broken heart. I suddenly become exhausted and lay my head back onto my pillow. What's the point anyway? I can't sleep so I should try to be productive. I sit up quickly from my bunk, nearly hitting my head on the wood above me, and sit on the edge. I watch my feet dangle and sigh. God, I wish I was with Meghan. Not only does she have her own room to herself, she has a king sized bed too. But more importantly, I would get to be with her. I swing my legs off the bunk and drop down to the floor beneath me with a loud "thud." I walk out of the bunk area and into the common area. The steady hum of the bus and occasional passing street lamp fills my senses. I go to the couch and open my computer. What the hell should I do? Write her an email? We spent one dinner with no fighting only to have her give me the cold shoulder. I open up Twitter and scroll through my feed.

[@CharliesWifeee] Omg! Do you think @Meghan_Trainor and @CharliePuth have a secret daughter???? Link: ...
[@Marlielova] OMG MARLIE IS REAL
[@MeghanQueenTrainor] no, that's prob her niece, who is a MAJOR Charlie Puth fan
[@Marliebelieverforeva] then why does she look exactly like them????
[Charlieputhfan147] OMG I hope Meghan Trainor and Charlie Puth get together and never break up. They have to get married and have more adorable little children !!
[CharlenaOTP] STOP WITH ALL THIS MARLIE BULLSHIT. They are not together and Selena and Charlie are wayyyyyyy cuter anyway *hair flip*
[WattpadWriter992] Oh my god. I am so using this in my book. Go read my stories: @WattpadWriterr

The conversation continues to go on where most of them end up yelling, arguing over who each of us is dating, and finally stopping the conversation completely. I scroll up to the top and click on the link. I squezze my eyes shut and let out a shaky breath. When I open them I see a gallery of photos. The photos include everyone heading over to dinner and then my goodbyes outside. I click through the gallery when I see Jonathan come out of his bunk.

"Bro, why are you awake?" He yawns.

"I couldn't sleep." I mumble.

"Meghan?" He ask slumping down in the seat beside me. I nod slightly and continue to scroll through the rest of the photos.

"Dude, you need to get laid." He mumbles. I stop what I'm doing and look up at him.

"Excuse me?"

"You need to have a one night stand."


"You are too tense and maybe you just need to relax and have some fun."

"I am relaxed and I do have fun. And I don't need to get laid."

"Really? When's the last time you had sex?"

"A few days ago."

"With Meghan?"

"Who else would it be?!"

"Jeez chill. But you need to get your mind off Meghan. Why don't you call up an ex or something?"

"Have you met my exes? They are fucking insane."

"Okay, how about a hooker?"

"What?! No! God, no!" I yell. I don't even care if I wake up the whole bus filled with my crew.

"Charlie, calm down. I'm sorry. I was just trying to-"

"Help?! You wanted to get me a fucking hooker!" I yell. I quickly stand up, grab my computer and move back to my bunk. When I climb back in, I grab my phone from the charger and unlock it. I open up my messaging app and click on Meghan's name. I start to type in something and then decide against it. Type something, Delete. Finally I decide just to be flat out.

"Meghan. I need to talk to you. Please."

"Princess, please. I just want to talk."

"I can't sleep. "

"Since you can't sleep, I can't sleep either?"

"Hello Princess. You are finally awake!"

"What is it Charlie??? I'm tireddddd"

"I love you Meghan. Can we please sort this out?"


"I'm tired"

"Remember when I said you wanted Marlie to grow up without a father? Do you really want that to happen?"

"I know you don't so let's talk about it"


"Please answer me"

"What is there to say Charlie? I don't even know how to heal this relationship anymore..."

"Meghan. I'm not saying this is going to be easy. But there is obviously something between us that every time we split ways, we are pulled back together."

"I'm tired. Goodnight."

"At least tell me we can work on it!"

"I'll think about it. Goodnight."

"Night Princess. I love you ♡"

I throw my phone back into the corner and lean back onto my pillow. I need something to distract me. Something... hmmm. I do NOT need someone. Something like Liquor? Alcohol? Is there any on the bus? I hop out of my bunk again and creep back into the common area. I go over to the fridge and reach up to open a door of a cabinet above the fridge. I finally grab it and open it up and there lays the holy grail of booze. Someone's getting wasted...

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