Chapter 52

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Meghan's POV:
When I get back to my bunk that night, I immediately plug my phone in. I let it charge while I go around and clean up some. I change into my pajamas and when I go to check on Marlie, I see Kelsey frantically pacing.

"Kels?" I ask.

"Meghan! I am so sorry!" She cries.

"Why? What happened?" I ask.

"Charlie took Marlie! We were playing outside when Charlie and his lawyer showed up and Charlie wanted Marlie to go with him! I couldn't do anything because he still has right!" She stammers.

"Kels, calm down. I'm going to call him." I whisper. When I return to my phone, it has charged up to 30% and has loads of missed notifications. I try to keep my Twitter, Instagram, etc. off but notice that most of the ones I missed are from Charlie. He has called me, face-timed me, and everything else he could do to try and contact me. I type in his name in my address book and click call when his contact comes up. It rings silently a couple times until it finally stops and static is heard.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hey, Meg." Charlie whispers.

"Where the hell is my fucking daughter?!" I yell.

"Listen, I can explain." He answers, calmly.

"I would sure like to fucking hear it."

"I am still her dad, Meghan. I know you don't like that but I am and I still have rights on seeing Marlie. I wanted her to spend the night at my house so she can she if she likes it. We went rollerblading and to get ice cream too. She's actually right here and wants to talk to you..." He says and I hear shuffling.

"Mommy!" Marlie yells through the phone.

"Hi baby! How was your day?!"

"Daddy took me skating and we got ice cream!" She exclaims.

"He got chocolate and me got chocolate!" She giggles.

"Baby, can I talk to Daddy? You can tell me when you come home." I whisper.

"Listen, Asshole. I want my daughter back as soon as possible. You can't just come and take her like this! We aren't together and never will be!"

"Meghan! I am her father and like I said, I have rights. And what the fuck? Is because of that stupid little boy you are fucking around with? Am I not good enough for you? Think about Marlie! How the hell are we going to do daddy-daughter dances? She calls me daddy! Not that retarded fuck-hole! She's mine! I love her so goddamn much and you can't take her away from me! I hate you! What the fuck?!"

"Charlie! Grow the fuck up! I had her! She was in my stomach for nine fucking months and you were nowhere to be seen for most of her life!"

"But I am now Meghan! And I just don't understand why we can't just be family again and have more-"

"-Woah! Stop it right there! Do you really think I am stupid enough to want another child with you?! After everything that has happened?!"

"Well, my fucking bad, Meghan! It's not like we had sex before you left your tour or anything!"

"Jealous much?! Jesus, Charlie! I don't love you anymore!" I yell. The line is quite for a few minutes and then Charlie speaks.

"Okay. I love you but you don't have to love me. But I will see Marlie if you like it or not." He whispers.

"Good night, Meghan. I'll drop Marlie off in the morning."

"Night, Charles." I whisper. I hang up and look up to see Jordan by the door.

"I know, you always said you didn't like him."

"I only put up with him because you liked him. Now I am going to put up with him for my niece, Marlie. And you should too. You don't have to like him Meghan, but he does have the right to see her and take her from time to time." She says. I nod and run my hand through my hair and put it up into a ponytail.

"Get showered and some rest." Jordan says and walks away. I open my Instagram page and refresh it to see Charlie with Marlie. Thousands of fans have already liked it and commented asking who she is and if she is the same girl I am taking care of. Charlie has the caption as "quality time with family." What has my life come to? Lying to my biggest supporters? Creating tension and not letting Marlie see her real dad? I never wanted any of this to happen, but I truly don't love Charlie anymore. It hurts to say but it's true and I don't know what to do.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Jul 18, 2018 ⏰

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