Chapter 48

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Meghan's POV:
I hear my phone start to go off and groan. I swear, if this is Charlie trying to heal our relationship at two in the fucking morning, Imma shoot something. I open my messaging app and click on Charlie's photo.

Meggggge 💩

Whays up babe

Babe ansir meeeeee

Babe i wood spank u if i was there

And then i wood fuck u until ur pregmannt

Wait ur pragmannt

Whos the daddy

Im ur daddy ;)

I groan and put my phone on do not disturb. This is the first time I have ever experienced Charlie drunk. What the hell is going on in his tour bus? Is Hailey making him drink like they apparently getting "married?" Ugh. I told myself I would let that go but I can't. It's just not fair. She got him engaged in less than two months, while I never even got a promise ring in the three years we were together. Oh! I did get something. I got a show of my boyfriend fucking my friend on my couch. That very same couch I ended up burning. But again! I. Told. My. Self. I. Would. Let. That. Go. I fall back into my bed and feel tears slipping onto my pillow...

Charlie's POV:
I look at the cabinet and then decide to act. I grab the smallest bottles first hoping that they make up for it in the "drunk factor." I quickly unscrew the top to one of the bottles and start chugging it down. The contents burn my throat and I groan when I finish it off. I unscrew another one when I feel a tap. I scream slightly and Jonathan laughs.

"Are you trying to get drunk?" He asks holding up the empty container. I nod slowly and he laughs again.

"Mind if I join you?" He asks. I shrug and he grabs another bottle.

"Cheers." He says holding it up.

"Cheers." I repeat.

Meghan's POV:
I'm still crying and I can't sleep. The messages keep getting worse and worse. More secrets. So far Charlie has confessed to kissing Selena more than once, having sex and almost getting Hailey pregnant, what actually happened when he got "married" and so much more. More sexual talk. He keeps talking about bdsm, and how his ex, Eliza, got him into it. He also keeps talking about his kinks, like a Daddy kink and a freaking fishnet tights fetish. I hug my pillow and pull my legs up to my chest.

Charlie, hope your hangover is short cause you are going to get a MOUTHFUL.

Ur mouthful of my d*ck?

Such a comedian.

Charlie's POV:
I started to feel dizzy so I had to sit down. The world is spinning around me and my vision is blurring. Jonathan comes over and plops down in the seat next to me.

"I never really ended up this drunk when I was with Meghan." I mumble.

"Speaking of Meghan. Did you text her earlier?"

"Yeah, I should probably apologize to her." I mumble grabbing my phone.

"Noooooo. Dude. Listen, girls like guys when they talk dirty to them. So text Meghan about sex.That way she will be BEGGING for you to come home." Jonathan says pointing at my phone and nodding.
I nod slowly and begin to type...

Meghan's POV:
Charlie is scaring me. He has not stopped texting me and is really freaking me out. Like he was talking about his mom's ABORTION with me. Why is he just now telling me these things? To scare me off?

Charlie's POV:
"Okay, give me more ideasss." I slur sipping my fourth bottle.

"Be honest with her. Tell her everything you kept in. That way, she will love you for being honest." Jonathan smirks. I nod and begin typing.

Meghan's POV:
I can't take this anymore. I take the charger out of my wall and walk out of my room and into the kitchen. I plug my phone in and smile. No. More. Distractions. I walk back into my room and crawl into my bed. I snuggle into my blanket and release a sigh of relief. Goodnight Charlie.

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