Step - 1.6: When we're together

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"When we are together"  I feel like there's a sudden rush in the air, I feel like he has taken over my life & that he has become my lifeline, but I can't let him get too close to me, because I am an independent woman, I don't need a man in my life to be happy, I told this to him when we were collaborating for my channel. "You don't need to be in a relationship to be happy, you can't be a part of a two if you are an incomplete one", that's what I said to him when he told me he was ready to be in a relationship, was I jealous? Was I jealous at the thought of him talking about being in a relationship with another girl? Was that making me sad and angry on the inside? Is that why I shunned him down? Because when ever I am with him, I can't help but look into his eyes, I am so proud of what he has become, and how far he has come. I have a very soft spot for him. I went to his tour show, and Roman beat him, but in my heart, it was he who won. I can't help but think of how he touches me and how he caresses me. But we're just friends, I am an independent girl. Besides I love our friendship way too much to ruin it with all the feelings I feel.

- Lilly while lying on bed thinking about Yousef

She told me she's proud of me, and that in her heart I had won tonight's Roman VS Fousey Show, she meant it as a good friend, so why do I get another vibe from all this. She called my house her place, which made me feel overwhelmed with joy, what is happening to me? She is just a friend, do I like her more than I used to now? Do I really like her that way? Either way it doesn't matter, because I am not enough of a man for her, she's such an independent girl, she is the perfect example of woman-power, I am an ordinary guy, who likes to joke around. Why would she even pick me? Even if I propose to her, would she ever let me in? Would she ever let me in? Why would she? I think I need to lock my feelings down for her, whatever it is it will pass and I will be able to move on.

- Yousef while lying on bed thinking about Lilly

Dom-Lilly Collab

"So Dom asked me for a collab today, he is coming over and we are going to discuss about how it is going to go down." Said Lilly to Humble

"So I've made this script in which I am going to tell the audience what I will do to kiss you, it involves a kissing scene, which we can fake if you want to" Said Dom to Lilly

"Sounds good to me, you know I am open-minded, I am down for this script, we will stick to the original script" Said Lilly to Dom

"Why am I thinking so much about this kiss? Am I worried about what Team Super will think? Or am I worrying about some other reason? Why am I so worried about this? Am I worried about how Yousef is going to think of this? Why did I say "Its a prank" after kissing Dom in my Vlog? Was it to convince Yousef that it indeed was something fake? & that I don't have anything for Dom?"

- Lilly while thinking about the collab

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