Step - 4.3: You Can Take The Girl Out of L.A....

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"So have you told others yet? About your going away thing? We'd miss you" asked Lauren as she and Lilly sat in the corner of YouTube summit & talked about Aman's proposal.

"I have told a few, but I am confused, I haven't made up my mind" said Lilly.

"So... What about Yousef? Have you spoken to him..... About you going away?" asked Lauren.

"If Yousef wants to talk about it, he can. But he hasn't so I am thinking he is fine by it" said Lilly.

"Well maybe he doesn't know" said Lauren.

"He knows it of course, someone from the gang would've told him" said Lilly.

"But he hasn't heard it from you so the chance is that he doesn't know" said Lauren.

 These words from Lauren struck a cord inside Lilly's mind. & she kept wondering if Yousef really knows about it & if she should let him know about it. She stared at him as he was talking to other creators in the summit. The summit ended and they all started getting ready to go.

"Do you want me to give you a ride?" said Yousef.

"Oh thanks, but I already got one" said Lilly, as she looked at Aman standing outside the door waiting for her.

"Oh so he was just standing there all this time? Don't the art people have anything to do?" asked Yousef as he mocked Lilly.

"He is a very busy artist, but he just makes sure he is there for me" said Lilly. A sheet of silence wrapped them as they looked at each other in the eye.

Yousef breaking the eye contact asked "So you like him eh?"

"He has signed with a company in Chicago, and he has asked me to come with him" said Lilly.

Yousef pretended to be OK with this, and smiled, while trying to hide how much pain Lilly's words just caused him.

"So what do you think about it? Should I go for it?" asked Lilly as she wanted to hear him say something about his feelings.

"Uh.... Well if you're happy...." "Oh I am very happy with him" said Lilly as she tried to coax Yousef's feelings out by interrupting him.

"Ummm.... Congratulations then" said Yousef, as his eyes got teary.

"Congratulations? Is that all you have to say to me?" asked Lilly now emphasizing more.

"Well - I am OK with it if you want to go with him" said Yousef.

They both shared a look, and they knew what they really wanted and how badly they wanted it, but none of them was courageous enough to talk about it. They were too afraid to talk because they didn't want to ruin things for each other. Yousef didn't want to lose Lilly's friendship and neither did Lilly want to ruin their friendship, so they kept quiet as she went towards Aman, staring at Yousef while exiting the venue. It felt as if something inside of them broke them into pieces. But they just weren't ready to accept that "something" existed....

7 Steps of LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora