Step - 4.6: She's Going Away

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"So Lilly we've found out an amazing opportunity for you in Chicago, we can sign you up with an arts agency that can get you amazing roles in movies. But what have you decided? Are you ready to move to another state with Aman?" said Lilly's manager Sarah.

"I don't know, I haven't decided yet, but I will get back to you as soon as I can" said Lilly.

She hung up the phone and noticed Aman walking and hugging her from behind.

"I know it is a big decision for you Lil, look I have been waiting for you to give me an answer, I will be leaving in 2 days" said Aman.

Lilly said nothing as she didn't actually know what she wanted, she had just moved to L.A with so much in her hand. & she was getting an even better opportunity in Chicago. To her it all seemed like a maze. She was lost and was unable to make any decision, as much as she wanted to be with Aman, she was also an independent girl, and the thoughts about Yousef were also blurring her sense of judgement. She had to go to a gathering of YouTube creators in the noon, so decided to not think much about the moving away thing and got ready. She saw Yousef in the gathering but tried to avoid talking to him as she didn't want to be puzzled anymore. After the gathering ended, Yousef lay on the beanie, when Lilly saw him, she couldn't help but approach him. She sat beside him and stared at him, he opened his eyes, and saw Lilly sitting beside him. He looked in her eyes and didn't break the eye-contact for even a second. She looked into his eyes, but couldn't gather herself to tell him that she was thinking of leaving L.A....

She went to her apartment where Aman waited for her, as soon as she entered he hugged her and said "Look I know I have been pressurizing you, but you have to take a decision" 

"I have taken the decision, I am moving in with you in Chicago" said Lilly as she seemed pretty determined.

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