Step - 6.4: Priorities

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Lilly reached the hospital and ran towards the front desk, Alex and others came out of the waiting area as well, she was all tensed and her eyes were all teary, Alex took her to Yousef's room where he was lying unconscious on the bed. 

"Yousef... Yousef... Oh my God what happened to him? And how come you never told me about this?" she said as she cried.

The doctor entered the room.

"This is Yousef's girlfriend, Lilly Singh" said Alex.

"Thank you. I will take it from her Sir" said Doctor.

Alex left the room.

"You are his girlfriend?" asked doctor.

"Yes... I am" said Lilly, she was crying a lot but she gathered herself up. She put her hand on his shoulder.

"Look at him.... Is he going to be OK?" said Lilly.

"He checks out fine... Don't worry. He suffered a traumatic head injury.

"So is it going to get better? Is he going to be OK?" asked Lilly as she cried, her voice was shaky, her throat felt lumpy, she couldn't speak properly and tears rolled down her eyes. The doctor sat her down the sofa in Yousef's ward and gave her some water to drink.

"Listen to me Ms. Singh, I can promise he can recover from these physical wounds, but I can't promise if he will recover psychologically" said the doctor.

"Wha.... What do you mean?" asked Lilly.

"Yousef has not only suffered physically, but also emotionally, recovering from psychological trauma is a pretty slow process" the doctor updated her about his condition.

"I can't believe this... He.... He was fine 2 days ago" said Lilly.

"Ms. Singh I need you to stay calm please, this is not the time to lose hope, we will inform you as soon as he gains consciousness. Now I need you to please wait outside" the doctor continued.

Lilly wiped her tears and sat outside with Alex and others, Swoozie and Aaron left to get some food and water. The police investigating Yousef's investigation arrived at the hospital. They demanded to talk to Yousef's guardians to brief them about their investigation. They took Alex, Lauren and Lilly to a private room and informed them about the investigation.

Officer: "We have investigated the accidents, and by the looks of it, there aren't any signs of foul play. Mr. Erakat lost control of his vehicle and ran into a barricade which caused his vehicle to fall of the cliff. Looking at his medical reports, we can determine that Mr. Erakat tried to hurt himself, people do this when they are under stress. We recommend you into talking him out of this state of depression."

Alex, Lauren and Lilly knew that Yousef had relapsed and it was definitely caused by something stressful. Lilly couldn't understand the reason of him being stressed as he was really happy with her. She couldn't understand why Yousef had relapsed and caused harm to himself. It made her sadder. She was getting called continuously by the YTFF organizers and her friends, she decided to cancel her YTFF performance. She knew Yousef needed her more than anything. She reckoned what her priorities were. From that point on, her prime objective was to focus on Yousef. Late that evening, Yousef gained consciousness, Alex Luaren and Lilly went in his room to see him. 

"How are you man?" said Alex, as he put his hand on Yousef's shoulder.

"Will you guys please leave me alone? I want sometime alone" said Yousef.

"What's wrong brother" asked Alex as he was shocked to see his reaction.

Lilly seeing that was all teary and sad but she understood how Yousef felt, she looked at him and he looked back but pretended like he didn't even know her. They all left the room. Yousef kept ignoring his friends and Lilly, he was slowly recovering from his physical injuries but mentally.... He was a mess.... 

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