Step - 7: The Wedding

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Yousef and Lilly reached L.A and Yousef went to do two last things that he wanted to do before his wedding, buy the house he had seen, and buy Lilly a wedding ring. Lilly on the other hand thought of a present for Yousef, and she remembered his watch that was broken by her at his apartment, she started repairing it. Yousef went to buy the house he had seen and signed the deal, the realtor handed over the keys to him. He called Lilly over to the newly bought house.

"How are you?" Lilly said as she entered the house.

"Oh hey!" Yousef greeted her with a kiss.

She handed over a cheque to him.

"What's this for?" Yousef asked.

"I told you, if I were ever to buy myself a house, I would do it with my own money, but since this is going to be OUR house, I had to pay half the price" she said.

"No.. No I can't accept that" Yousef said.

"Yousef we're sharing a life now... I don't think sharing expenditure is a big deal, I am an independent woman, and I would like to help you in your future endeavors, so keep this, since we're about to share whole lot of things in our future" she said.

He kissed her again. "I love you" he said.

"Oh and yeah.. I brought sandwiches" she said.

"Those are magic words" he said.

They sat outside the house discussing about its remodeling and their own ideas about how they wanted their newly bought house to look. It was when Yousef pulled out a ring from his pocket.

"All my life, I've been wanting to have somebody to hold me, to share this journey with me, to kiss me, to listen to me and to talk to me, I always wanted to be able to buy a ring for someone, and I didn't imagine I'd be buying it for you. I guess this ring has the potential to represent my future with you. I want it to represent our future together. So here's a formal proposal to you, Lilly Singh, will you marry me?" he said.

"Yes... Yes I will" she smiled and hugged him and they kissed. They then went to visit their friends and inform them about their wedding. They were all at Alex's house when Lilly and Yousef entered.

"Hey guys!" Yousef said.

"Hey!" everyone greeted them.

"So... Umm.. We wanted you guys to know that... Ummm.." Lilly couldn't say anything further.

"Umm... Yeah. We're.... We're getting married" Yousef finished her sentence.

"Hey!!" they all laughed and were obviously very happy with what they heard.

"When is the big day?" Lauren asked.

"No  big day, we don't want any wedding fuss" Lilly said.

"Yeah, we're going to slip away quietly in the next couple of days" Yousef said.

"Alright, no biggie, at least you're getting married. That's a huge news, and that's all that matters" Alex said.

Lilly talked to Annoshinie and Chase and told them about the big day.

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