Step - 6.4: Priorities (Cont.)

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2 days had passed and Yousef was still ignoring everyone, he wanted to be by himself and didn't want to meet or talk to anyone, he had people coming to him but he barely talked. All of this was killing Lilly on the inside, but she knew she had to be patient with him. She wanted to be patient with him, all she wanted was for him to recover soon. She knew his physical injuries were healing but his emotional state was a wreck & that's what troubled her the most. She didn't go to his ward for 2 days, she would see him from outside his room to check on him.

"I think he needs some time alone" said Alex.

"Well we've given him enough of time alone, he is keeping himself isolated and I am telling you this is going to get worse" said Swoozie.

"We need to get him out of here.. Get him out of the city" said Lauren.

"Yes, but where" said Lilly.

"Somewhere nice and happy, like an island" said Alex.

"Before we do that, we have to get him to talk to us, and tell us what is bothering him" said Swoozie as he went to his ward and tried talking to him.

"Hey bruh, what's with you? Everyone is worried about you, specially Lilly, c'mon don't let your woman hanging like this" he said.

"I don't wanna talk to you Swooz, so its better you leave" said Yousef as he turned his back on Swoozie.

"We are going to take you to an island, so you can forget this ever happened" Swoozie said.

Yousef was all quiet. 

"You need to keep your strength up brother" Swoozie continued.

"You must talk to people.... To Lilly.... If not us" he said.

"She loves you fiercely.... You have her worried" 

Yousef was all quiet, and teary, he didn't want to listen to Swoozie.

"Tell me what I can do to help?" Swoozie continued. 

Yousef turned his face toward Swoozie.

"That morphine.... Hand it over" said Yousef.

"Why? Do you still feel the pain? I will have nurse inject you with some painkillers" asked Swoozie.

"I want it to put myself out of this misery" said Yousef.

"So you wanna be a druggie? C'mon you don't mean it bruh" said Swoozie.

"Its not something I want to discuss... Hand it over" said Yousef.

"The last thing I would want to do is hand this poison over to you brother" said Swoozie, he left the room and asked the nurse to keep an eye on him.

Alex was coming towards Lilly to tell her about a vacation resort they could visit.

"So I asked a travel agent about this island, it is a bit expensive but the place is great and we can...."

"Yousef asked Swoozie for morphine" Lilly interrupted Alex, as he was speaking, in a trembling and sad voice, and teary eyes.

Alex upon hearing it became silent.

"Did you know?" asked Lilly as she cried.

"I did.... I wanted to tell you" Alex said "I've been praying for you to talk some sense into him" he continued. 

"Why? Why does he want to fall into this so badly?" Lilly said as she was both puzzled and sad.

"He is traumatized.... He is depressed... He has bipolar and he is struggling with his addiction for years.... His name has been slandered a lot of times for no reason.... Isn't that enough of a reason?" said Alex.

"No" said Lilly.

"Look you knew it since the start... You decided to be in a relationship with him despite of all of this... You knew he would relapse, you knew his condition... But yes you are right... It isn't something to lose your happiness over. He has taken his share of punishment, and I can't help but think that there's a lot more than we know, there's a lot more to the cause of his accident than we know" he said.

Lilly cried upon hearing this, she was devastated to see the man she loves wanting to destroy his life with his own hands.

"I am sorry Lilly... I don't want to see this man sad either, he is like a brother to me. I don't wanted him to waste his life away like that" Alex said as his eyes went teary.

Later that evening Lilly went to the doctor to sign Yousef's discharge papers off.

"What am I to do about Yousef?" she asked the doctor.

"Well his wounds are recovering nicely which is good, but his psychological state is still unstable... We recommended him a psychiatrist and he rejected the offer. I fear he will fall deeper into this hole, unless he can be brought back.. He needs someone to talk to" he said "Maybe to heal him internally, you will have step into this darkness with him.. You will have to sail this storm ridden ship with him Lilly..." the doctor said.

Lilly signed the discharge papers off. Alex and others took Yousef to his apartment with them, Lilly went to get his medicines from pharmacy. She knew what she had to do... She knew she had to step into this dark place Yousef was trapped in, she also knew he would not get out of there unless he was willing to do so & in order to make him do so she had to enter it herself first.

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