Step - 6.7: The Girl In Trouble

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Lilly woke up next to Yousef, she looked at him, and he looked peaceful, she knew it was hard to be in a relationship with him, and that it required effort to build up their relationship but she preferred working on it instead of leaving him because leaving him wasn't the option. She ordered room service for herself & Yousef & went to shower. Yousef woke up as she was getting ready. She smiled at him, he approached her and wanted to be close to her but was also having a hard time maintaining their intimacy. Lilly understood it and didn't say anything or force herself on him.

"So are you ready to see Trinidad and Tobago?" she asked.

"Yes I am" Yousef answered.

They both had breakfast and left to tour the island. They preferred walking instead of taking a taxi, she wrapped her arm around his arm. Yousef got a call from his manager and he took it, Lilly walked around in the meantime and saw people taking a badly injured woman, Lilly approached her as it affected her to see women being hurt, she gave her some water as they sat her down. Yousef got off the phone and saw Lilly helping the woman. He approached her.

"Are you alright?" Lilly asked from the woman.

"Yes I am" she said.

"Who... Who did this to you? What happened to you?" Lilly asked.

"No... Nothing... No one did it to me" the woman answered.

"You should let us help you if there is anyone hurting you" Yousef said.

"No, sir I am alright, please don't worry" the woman said, she seemed worried and was not very open about what or who caused her the injury, she tried to ignore their questions and walked away, Yousef and Lilly didn't want to stop her against her will. As the woman was walking away, she fainted. Lilly and Yousef and all other people came running towards her, none of them was willing to help take her to the hospital, it was when Yousef decided to carry her in his arms to the taxi and get her some medical aid. Lilly was worried about the woman as she knew there was something wrong with her. They got into a cad and got the woman to the hospital.

"She is going to be fine" the doctor said.

"What had happened to her?" they asked.

"She was weak due to the loss of blood hence she fainted, I want to let you guys know that these injuries weren't a result of an accident" the doctor said.

"What... What do you mean?" Lilly asked.

"This is a case of abuse, someone beat her badly.... And you know what person comes to mind when you see a middle-aged woman getting abused" the doctor said.

"The husband?" asked Lilly.

"Probably" the doctor said.

Lilly and Yousef looked at each other with shock, they couldn't comprehend of such thing to be happening in the world we live in today, but it was a sad reality, the woman was a victim of domestic abuse, Lilly knew she needed help and she wanted to help her desperately, as she strongly believed in woman empowerment. Yousef knew this, and he was willing to help her help the lady. The lady gained consciousness and the doctor allowed them to meet her, Yousef decided it was a good idea for Lilly to talk to the lady alone.

"Hello" Lilly said.

"Hi... Thank you for bringing me here" the woman said.

"It's not a problem, what is your name?" Lilly asked.

"It's... Sarah" she said.

"Nice name... How are you feeling now?" asked Lilly.

"I feel better, but now I need to go home... Can you get me home?" Sarah asked.

"Yes sure, why not, but what happened to you? Who did this to you?" asked Lilly.

"No... No one did this to me" said Sarah, it was obvious she looked nervous and scared.

"Sarah, you need not be scared of us please... Tell us, maybe we can help you" Lilly said.

"No... No you can't help me, you don't know what he's like" Sarah said as she cried.

"No... Shush... I need you to stop crying first please? And let me know who?" Lilly asked.

Yousef was standing outside the room and watched them talking, Sarah was crying as she told Lilly about the issue, Lilly listened to every word Sarah told her. She looked at Yousef standing outside in a worrisome manner. After Sarah was done telling, Lilly told her to relax and get some sleep and came out of the room.

"What.... What did she say?" Yousef asked.

"She is a victim of domestic abuse Yousef, we need to help her" she said as she looked worried.

"OK, I need you to calm down please" Yousef said.

"I know this isn't how you expected this trip to go, I am sorry" she said.

"No please, nothing will make me feel good than to help you help someone. We're partners in everything" Yousef said. He sat beside her and hugged her, she put her head on his chest. They called the police and Sarah gave them the description of her husband. Yousef and Lilly followed them. They arrested the guy but he became violent and tried to approach Lilly, Yousef intervened and pushed him aside punching him in the face.

"Lilly... You alright?" he asked as he was worried about her safety.

"Yes I am fine" Lilly said.

"Who the hell are you?" the man asked.

"My name is Lilly Singh" Lilly answered.

"Have you got any idea what you've done?" the man asked.

"I have done nothing more than to say the truth, than to help a woman and save her from men like you" Lilly said.

"Do you know the cost you have to pay for all this?" the man said.

"The cost is not bigger than saving a woman's life from cruelty" she said.

Yousef stood beside Lilly during this entire conversation, and put his arm around Lilly to support her.

"You will both pay for this" the man said.

The police took him and imprisoned him and thanked Lilly and Yousef. Sarah thanked them too for saving her life.

"Remember, you are stronger than you think you are, Sarah, there is nothing on this world that us women can't do" Lilly said.

"Yes... I want to thank you for awakening this power in me..." Sarah said, "Your man must love you a lot... Being your rock in all of this... You are a lucky girl" she continued.

"Yes... I am..." Lilly looked at Yousef when she said that realizing how Yousef supported her throughout this whole mess and helped her make a cruelty end.

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