Step - 6.2: The Accident (Cont.)

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The highway was shut down and there were EMTs & Police Officers all around the area. The rescuers went down the cliff. Yousef's car was a wreck and he was bleeding profoundly. They got him out of the wrecked car and gave him CPR, he was resuscitated and rushed to the hospital immediately.

Lilly on the other hand had no idea about Yousef's accident as she was busy working for her YTFF, she was to leave for Canada in a few days. She waited for Yousef's text or phone call but at the same time, she wanted to give him some space as well, she believed that a little space in a relationship was necessary and that it had the power to bring two people more closer together. Thinking about Yousef and re-calling all the good times they had spent with each other, she went to sleep, unaware that Yousef's life was in danger.

Alex was sleeping as it was very late, when he got a call from hospital.

Man: "Hello is this Alex Wassabi?" 

Alex: "Yes, who is there?"

Man: "Sir I am a paramedic and I am calling to inform you that your friend Yousef Erakat has had an accident, we found his ID and his phone with him, we checked his last dialed number was that of yours"

Alex: "Wait... What?! Are you sure? How is he? And where are you taking him?"

The paramedic told him the hospital they were taking Yousef too, Alex thought of telling Lilly about it but he didn't want her to get tensed as he knew she had to go to YTFF, he assumed Yousef suffered from a minor accident and probably crashed his bike like he always does.

Alex: "OK I will be right there"

He woke Aaron up and they left for the hospital, on their way to the hospital he also called Swoozie. They all went to the hospital to check on him.

Lilly on the other hand was sleeping as she was unaware of the tragedy that had occurred that night.

Alex: "Hey we have a friend here... You.... Yousef Erakat"

Front Desk: "Let me check it for you sir"

Swoozie: "Please do it fast ma'am"

Front Desk: "Your friend is undergoing a surgery sir, he lost a lot of blood and is suffering from multiple contusions"

Aaron: "Is there any concerned doctor we can see?"

Front Desk: "I am sorry sir, the operation is under progressing, you can wait in the waiting until the doctors are finished operating your friend, I will let the doctors know as soon as they are finished"

They waited in the waiting area, all depressed and sad about Yousef, only Alex knew about his relationship with Lilly, and he was worried to death about Lilly's reaction, he was struggling with the thoughts of whether he should inform Lilly or not. He called Lauren for her advice and to share this bad news.

Lauren: "Hey babe, what's wrong, are you OK?"

Alex: "Babe....." there was a tremble in his voice 

Lauren: "Alex, you're scaring the hell out of me, is everything alright?"

Alex: "Yousef met with an accident"

Lauren: "Wha..... What are you saying? Where are you? Is he alright?"

Alex: "I don't know, he is going under operation. I am sacred Lauren"

Lauren: "No babe, don't worry let me know the address and I am going to be there as soon as possible"

Alex: "OK but don't tell Lilly..... Not yet"

He told her the address and she came straight away, on her way to the hospital, she wanted to tell Lilly so badly, as she considered her to be her sister. 

Lauren: "Where.... Where is he?"

Swoozie: "In the operation theatre"

Alex took her outside the waiting area.

Alex: "So... Shoul.... Should we tell Lilly about this?"

Lauren: "I don't know.... She has worked so hard for her YTFF performance... I don't know Alex, is he going to be alright"

Lauren cried as she asked this, and Alex hugged her to console her.

Alex: "He is going to be alright"

As soon as he said it, the doctor came out of the operation theater.....

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