Step - 5.5: A Blast From His Past

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*So I decided to twist and turn the story a lil bit, & I couldn't think of any better way to bring Yousef's gf in the past. Imma name her Felicia cause I honestly don't know who he dated in the past*

Lilly & Lauren were back from Italy, Yousef & Alex went to pick them up. They had breakfast, Alex dropped Lauren to her apartment. Yousef dropped off Lilly to her apartment, outside the door Lilly asked him to stay with her for a little time.

"You want to come in and stay for a bit?" asked Lilly as she put her arms around his neck.

"I wouldn't mind that" answered Yousef as he put his arms around her waist.

They cuddled in her bed & Lilly fell asleep on his arm. He slightly moved her head to the pillow, and kissed her cheek. And left a note and his apartment keys on her table saying:

"Sleep tight Lilly Pilly Dilly, Imma see you tonight at my apartment, I have some special plans"

He went to his apartment, and played with Dollar & Muffin. He slept as he had woken up early to pick Lilly up from the airport. He woke up to a knock on his door, he opened the door, and to his surprise, it was Elicia, his ex-girlfriend. She hugged him the moment he opened the door.

"I missed you Yousef" said Felicia.

"Elicia..... Wha.... What are you doing here?" asked Yousef.

"I came back here for you" said Felicia, "Remember how we used to be so in love with each other? Remember that one time we made out in our hotel room?"  she continued.

"That was the past... And it doesn't matter to me anymore please leave right now please" said Yousef.

"Listen just give me a chance, I will do anything to get you back, just tell me and I will do it" said Felicia. She hugged him again, she did it the same time Lilly entered Yousef's apartment. Lilly upon seeing it, didn't react harshly as she figured Felicia must be Yousef's friend.

"Hello people" said Lilly.

"Hello, who are you?" asked Felicia.

"I am Yousef's friend, Lilly, its nice to see you" said Lilly.

"Oh its so good to see you too" said Felicia.

Yousef stood there all confused and worried about how Lilly was going to react. Lilly didn't take it seriously, she knew Yousef has an explanation to give, and she was waiting on him to talk to her after Felicia would leave.

"So what do you do Lilly" asked Felicia.

"I am a YouTuber, just like Yousef" said Lilly.

"Oh you're Superwoman?! I just remembered now" said Felicia.

"Yes, I am Super.....Woman" said Lilly, as she looked at Yousef, and gave him "that" look.

"Well I think its time for me to go now" said Felicia.

"Oh yes, I'll just drop you off..." said Yousef.

"So you and Lilly are together... As in a couple?" said Felicia.

"That is correct" said Yousef.

"Yes, I figured as much, I mean the way she looks at you, tells me that you have something going on" said Felicia.

"Why are you here Felicia?" asked Yousef.

"I told you, I missed you" said Felicia.

Yousef didn't say anything and went back to his apartment, he entered the apartment and saw Lilly playing with Dollar & Muffin sitting on the floor. He saw how beautiful she looked. He approached her and sat on the floor with her.

"So she left eh?" asked Lilly.

"Yes she did" said Yousef "Lilly.... Listen" Lilly put her finger on his lips as he was about to continue.

"Babe, you don't need to say anything to me, you had a past, I had a past, and its over, what matters is now & I love you, for you" said Lilly.

He hugged her and they kissed.

"I am lucky to have you in my life. Thanks for being with me" said Yousef. She stayed at his place for the night as he couldn't let Dollar  & Muffin be alone. Waking up in the morning with Lilly by her side was the best thing he could ever experience, he caressed her hair and kissed her forehead, she woke up and hugged him and they cuddled, she got up and made him breakfast as he brewed coffee and made juice for her. While they were eating, Yousef got a call from a hospital telling him Felicia had tried to hurt herself by trying to cut her wrist. Yousef got all scared and sweaty.

"What happened babe?" asked Lilly.

"Felicia tried to cut herself and is in the hospital" said Yousef.

Good people that they were, they both rushed to the hospital and saw Felicia unconscious in the hospital ward.

"Her treatment expenses are on me" said Yousef as he talked to the doctor.

"She is fine, she is a bit unconscious, because we gave her sedatives, she hasn't harmed herself that much" said the doctor.

Yousef went to get the medicines doctors has prescribed for Felicia, Lilly stood outside her ward all worried and angry, as she knew what Felicia was really up to. Lilly inside the ward she was in as she regained consciousness.

"I am sorry Lilly I know I acted foolishly but I am really happy that you and Fousey have found each other, he likes to pretend he is fine alone, but he has needed someone to be in his life, I am glad its a strong woman like you, but I was hurt and I didn't know how to act" said Felicia.

"Did he say something to you?" asked Lilly.

"I can tell by the way you both look at each other, I sense a tension between you and I, you have nothing to worry about, what I and Fousey had was the past" said Felicia.

"I am sorry? I don't understand" said Lilly.

"Oh it is so common for men to pretend like nothing happened in their past, but I do remember, I am sorry for saying all this to you" said Felicia.

"You should get some rest" said Lilly as she left her ward with confusion and a sense of insecurity. Yousef had not told her about him and Felicia, and how serious he was with her back then. They went to his apartment, Lilly rested on his bed as Yousef entered the bedroom after talking to the doctor. 

"She's going to be fine, they are going to discharge her, and I have bought her a ticket back to home" said Yousef.

"OK" said Lilly.

"You wanna go have dinner? I just heard there's a Chinese place that serves great food" said Yousef.

"OK sure" said Lilly.

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