Step - 4.7: Confession

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As Lilly finally decided to move to Chicago with Aman, she started packing her stuff. She told Lauren and Alex about her moving away. Alex and Yousef were jogging in the park when Alex told Yousef she is leaving.

"You look so happy today, I thought you would be sad hearing about Lilly leaving with Aman" said Alex.

"She's leaving?" asked Yousef.

"Yes she is" said Alex.

"How would you know?" asked Yousef.

"Well she told Lauren and she is also packing her stuff so..." said Alex.

"So it's not a done deal yet right? I will believe it when she tells me in her own words that she is leaving" said Yousef.

"Yousef, she is leaving, it is a done deal man" said Alex.

Upon hearing this, Yousef felt a sudden panic attack, he quickly rushed to his house, without saying anything to Alex, he changed his work-out clothes and headed over to Lilly's apartment.

At Lilly's Place

He knocked on her door, Aman had already left for Chicago and she was packing her stuff. Lilly opened the door. As soon as she opened it Yousef entered her place.

"So you're going away?" asked Yousef.

"Yes, I am" said Lilly.

"Oh, that's sad, I thought you would tell me about it before telling anyone else because we had so much between us" said Yousef.

"I am sorry Yousef, but it was hard for me, please be happy for me?" said Lilly.

"I am happy for you, you know it. I am sad because you never told me anything about it" said Yousef.

She hugged him tightly and he wrapped his arms around her waist. A tear dripped down both their eyes, as they knew what was going to happen. She decided to leave because she thought of Yousef as someone who doesn't have any feelings for her. He thought that she considered him his friend all this time. They loved each other but couldn't express.

"I want to know you'll be alright" whispered Lilly in his ear while hugging him tighter.

"I don't know but I will try" said Yousef as he let go off the hug, and kissed her cheek & said "Good luck, Lilly Pilly Dilly" 

He left the apartment, crying his heart out, she immediately went to her bathroom, and cried  in her shower. They both wanted it badly but didn't even know it had already happened.

Later that evening, Yousef was sitting in a bar with a bunch of drunks around him, when one man started telling people why he started drinking in the first place.

Man 1: "C'mon sir, let me call you a cab"

Man 2: "No man, I wanna drink my heart out"

Man 1: "I see you are drunk and causing chaos in the club, Imma have to ask you to go out please. Let me call someone you know"

Man 2: "Someone I know? There was only one person I knew, but I let her go. I was a self-loathing man, I couldn't gather the courage to tell her. I ended my relationship with her and she ended her life. I was a coward, a foolish coward. I was so filled with fear that I destroyed the only best thing that ever happened to me. I let her go, I let her die. There was no one in my life other than her."

The bouncer took the man out of the club. Yousef, upon hearing it rushed to Lilly's place in the hope of trying to stop her from not going to Chicago. He drove faster as ever. 

As he reached outside her building, she was coming down the elevator. The elevator door opened and she saw a man standing in front of the elevator in the parking garage. It was Yousef... 

"Hey" said Yousef who was all teary and looked like a mess.

"Hey yourself, why are you here? Are you drunk? What happened to you?" asked Lilly as she was very much worried about her. 

"Funny eh? I never realized what I really wanted until I saw it going away from my life" said Yousef as he cried.

Lilly said nothing as she stared at him, and cried. She knew what he was about to say, and she just couldn't wait for him to say it.

"I shouldn't be here, I just want you to know that you mean a lot to me, and it hurts me so much, I will go now" said Yousef.

Lilly grabbed his arm as she cried saying

"No you aren't going anywhere" said Lilly " Do you realize how hard it is for me to pretend like I love a guy who I don't love at all?! Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to pretend like I don't love a guy, I am dying to be with?! Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to face the truth of how I feel?! The truth that there's a guy I wanna be with the rest of my life, that there's a guy who I want to love? The truth that he always takes my breath away? Do you realize that the truth is that I love someone else? And not Aman? The truth that I love you?!" said Lilly as she cried grabbing Yousef's collar

"I am sorry" said Yousef as tears run down his eyes

"Is that what you're going to say? You're sorry?! Wont you say something that means a lot to me? That I've been dying to hear from you?" Said a crying Lilly

"I never realized I hurt you, I hated myself so much that I no longer believed that I could love anyone, I am terrified of letting people close to me cause I think they are going to hurt me and leave me, I always hid this truth from you and everybody else" he said it when he sobbed "The truth that I always buried deep inside my heart, and the truth is that I cannot imagine living another day without seeing you, the truth is that I am in love with you, I love you and it hurts me so much, everyday, it feels so good to say it to you but at the same time it scares the shit out of me. I love you Lilly, I love you so much, and you deserved to hear this before you go" said Yousef as he cried.

"I love you too" said a crying Lilly as those were the only words she could manage to say after what Yousef said to her, she sobbed but gathered herself & she came closer to him and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her tight caressing her hair. She looks at him in the eye, as he looks at her face, they bring their faces together and kiss each other.

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