Step - 5.4: While She was Away....

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Lilly and Lauren went to a YouTube camp together in Italy. Yousef & Alex went to drop them to the aiport. On the way back home, Yousef told Alex about his relationship with Lilly & they talked about their relationship and shared their experiences with their girls. It was obvious that Yousef was worried about Lilly as he was afraid of losing her to something unusual. He was protective about her, and it showed. Alex tried to console him.

"I know you are worried for her, Yousef, but they are going to come back safely" said Alex.

"Yeah" replied Yousef. 

But it was the first time after their relationship that they were separated, Lilly was in Italy but she couldn't stop thinking about Yousef, while Yousef on the other hand was fighting himself, and tried to divert his mind. He didn't want to phone her cause he didn't want to be nosy. Lilly, after her seminar in the camp, came back to her room and tried to sleep but couldn't, Yousef was also wide-awake at night. Lilly talked to Yousef on webcam in the morning, while it was night in L.A.

"Oh you're wearing a shirt" said Lilly.

"I thought I should look nice" said Yousef.

"You look good, I like it" said Lilly, as they both smiled.

"Ah that's good to know" said Yousef.

"Did you eat well? & sleep well?" asked Lilly.

"Yeah I did" answered Yousef.

"Yousef... You don't need to hide anything from me... Not anymore. OK?" said Lilly.

"OK.... Well I am worried about you" said Yousef.

"Worried? Why?" asked Lilly.

"Well.... It is the first time you're away from me... I mean after our relationship" said Yousef.

"You don't need to worry about me OK? I am a grown woman. I am going to be alright, if that's why you haven't eaten or slept well" said Lilly.

"Umm... Yeah I shouldn't, you're right" said Yousef.

"I am right and everything will me OK?" asked Lilly.

"No, you're right, that's what the insomnia is about" said Yousef.

"I love you, but I love my work too. You'll have to let me do it OK? I want you to be OK with it" said Lilly.

"Its not about your work, I just don't want to lose you" said Yousef.

"You won't lose me, Yousef" said Lilly.

"You don't know that" said Yousef.

Lilly after hearing him say that, was a bit disappointed in him. They both realized that their relationship is still in a pre-mature stage and that it needs to be strong. Lilly realized Yousef's condition, she realized she needed to get to know him better.

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