Step - 7.1: Proposal

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Yousef had just gotten back from his workout when he realized that the door of his apartment had been recently unlocked. He entered his apartment reluctantly, only to find Lilly sitting on his couch. It broke him to see her after so many weeks. 

"Hey Lilly, its so good to see you" he said trying to hide all his emotions from her, as he thought she had moved on. She stared at him and didn't say a word.

"Do you want me to make you something to drink?" he asked. She was all silent, and said nothing at all.

"Well I thought you forgot about your friends here while you were in Canada" he joked, but knew it was a bad time to do so.

"Do... Do you want me to get you some water?" he asked again.

"Lilly is there any problem? Just tell me" he asked, this time being a little scared. He had never seen her like this.

"How do you look so relieved? I rejected you.... How are you so happy?" asked teary-eyed Lilly.

"It isn't important for you to feel the same way as I do.... Whatever my feelings maybe for you, they are my problem not yours. Here drink some water" he answered.

"I started my career off as a depressed, sad and lonely girl,  I just wanted to be happy, I didn't want to be heart broken anymore, I closed all the doors that might lead to another heart break, I dumped guys before they could dump me just to protect myself from being an emotional wreck again, just to protect myself from having self-esteem issues again, I hid my emotions and feelings under a hard veneer. I never wanted to not be with someone, Yousef. I just wanted to not feel lonely and heart-broken again, that's why I started keeping myself busy, and ditched guys before they could hurt me... And then you came and turned my feelings of friendship into love I learnt to not be over protective of my feelings when I was with you, I learnt to love someone fearlessly for the first time, I learnt to love someone without having to fear him dumping me... I am an independent woman, Yousef I don't want to be dependent on you, you awoke all those feelings in me that once caused me to be depressed and lonely, that once caused me to think about taking my own life.... Why did you have to come into my life? What am I to do with this love I have for you? What am I to do?" Lilly said as she sobbed.

There was a minute of silence in the room... Lilly sat on the floor of his apartment and cried.

"Marry me" Yousef said as he sat with her.

She looked at him with shock and sadness.

"Tie a knot with me" he said.

"You won't have to fear losing me then, you never trusted anyone cause you were afraid of a heart break, cause you could never trust that a guy could love you dearly enough to stick to you.. Well that was your past.. I am your present, and probably your future... Marry me" he continued.

She looked at him and he wiped those tears off her face.

"I don't want to see you cry... My Lilly Pilly Dilly" he said.

"Will you marry me?"

She hugged him tight and sobbed in his arms.

"Yes, I will.... I will marry you..." she sobbed.

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