Step - 6.6: Bon Voyage

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Lilly and Yousef were back together, Yousef was still recovering from his emotional trauma, but his physical injuries had recovered quite well. Lilly decided it was time she took him somewhere, alone, so they could spend some time with each other. Alex offered to come with them but she politely refused him saying

"This is about my journey with him, and I will travel with him alone, I need to spend some time with him, and I want to get to know him better, I want to be able to decide if we're compatible enough"

"Wow, I am amazed, remember back in the day you would say you didn't want a guy, but look at you now, I am so glad he found someone like you Lilly" Alex said. 

They both hugged and she booked their tickets to Trinidad and Tobago. She didn't tell about it to anyone cause she wanted to be left alone with him for a time being. All she wanted to focus on was Yousef.

"Babe grab your passport, you will be needing it cause I booked our flight to Trinidad & Tobago for tomorrow" said Lilly as she hugged Yousef from behind.

"You booked us a flight?" he asked.

Yousef still wasn't talkative but he was finding a way to communicate with her, Lilly understood how he felt and was being patient with him.

"Yes, I did and we are going, so pack your stuff" Lilly said.

"OK" said Yousef.

Alex and others dropped them to the airport. Yousef sat in the waiting hall, as he wasn't much of a talker after what he had gone through, Lilly was with the rest of the gang.

"Goodbye to you Lilly, have a safe journey" said Alex.

Lauren hugged her and said goodbye and so did Swoozie and Aaron.

"Just keep us posted OK?" Swoozie said.

"I will" she said.

Everyone waved at Yousef and he waved back, they knew it wasn't the right time to talk to him. They boarded their plan and were seated together. He looked at her and she looked at him on the plane.

"I am trying Lilly" he said.

"I am glad you are" she said.

"It will be alright won't it? I mean I know I booked the flight before telling you..." "You did the right thing Lilly" he said interrupting her.

"So we'll be alright?" she asked.

"Yes, and I will make sure of it" he said.

They both looked at each other and smiled, she wrapped her arm around his arm. They landed in Trinidad and Tobago. Yousef got out of the plane first. And lent his hand to Lilly as she was coming down the plane. She hugged him and kissed him. They checked into their hotel, Yousef was still recovering from his physical injuries and hence he lay down his bed, he was still confused and looked sad, Lilly came from the bathroom and saw him being sad again, she approached him and sat by his side on the bed.

"What is it?" she asked as she caressed his cheek.

"Sometimes... I feel ashamed... When you touch me, and show so much care... I feel like that dark side of me is still here" he said.

"I AM HERE. I am right here and I am not going anywhere OK? You don't need to be ashamed not in front of me... Not anymore" she said.

"Yeah... You've decided to rid me of this guilt haven't you?" he said.

"Yes... I am stubborn, just like my man" she said.

"Now, you must sleep" she continued.

Yousef was already tired and recovering, so he went to sleep early. Lilly cuddled him to sleep and slept herself afterwards.

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