Step- 7.4: Clarity

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Yousef, Lilly and all the other YouTubers left for L.A. They were still not talking to each other and decided to let things be the way they are. Yousef went to a bar near the country side and didn't left until it closed.

"Closing time... I need you to leave" said the bartender.

"Oh come on, can't I stay here?" he said.

"OK well if you help me but these bottles over here, I might give you some extra time to be here" the bartender said.

"You got it girl" Yousef answered.

While he was helping the bartender, he got a call from Lilly, he was unaware of the call as his phone was on silent.

"So how much I owe you?" Yousef asked.

"You paid already" the bartender said.

"Did I leave you a tip?" he asked.

"Yes you did" the bartender answered.

"Was it a good one?" Yousef asked.

"Yes" the bartender answered smilingly.

"OK, then I shall take your leave" Yousef said. He left the bar and got in his car. But dozed off in the car as he was too tired.

Lilly on the other, got into the shower, and ate her breakfast. She started working on her Bawse Book and her other business deadlines. She made a video for her channel in advance as well. She was happy with herself being productive and didn't pay much attention to her personal life crises. It was the first time in so many months that she finally felt the clarity, she no longer felt puzzled and confused, and she knew exactly what she wanted for herself.

Yousef woke up in his car and realized he was in an entirely part of the town it was all green and luscious and a very quiet area. He loved every bit of it, the sun was shining on his face and he felt as if he had reached an entirely different world. He was happy after so many days, he looked around and realized that he was on the country side of L.A, he roamed all around the area until he finally got his eyes fixated on something.... It was a house, near a lake, he saw the sign which read "FOR SALE", he looked at the sign and smiled, with all the peace and quiet, he started to gain clarity of what he wanted to do in with his life now. 

Swoozie hosted a barbecue party at his rooftop and invited everyone. He called Lilly to invite her.

"Hey Lilly, dude I am having a barbecue party this evening, you free to come?" he asked.

"Yes, sure I will" Lilly said.

"Do you know where Yousef is? He isn't answering my calls" he said.

"No, I don't know where he is" Lilly said, as she was a still a little disappointed in him.

"OK, well I will ring him again, see you tonight" he said.

He called Yousef on his number again, but Yousef was unaware of any phone calls as his phone was on silent. He then checked his phone and it had several missed call notifications popped up. One of them was of Lilly's from last night, he knew he was in trouble the moment he saw her missed call. He then called Swoozie.

"Hey Swoozie what's up?" he said.

"Dude, I am glad I could fine you, where are you?" Swoozie said.

"Well honestly I don't know where I am but I will figure out" he said.

"I have a barbecue party today, you in?" Swoozie asked.

"Yes sure I will be there" Yousef said. 

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