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I sat back stunned at what Aston just said. Have I really been acting so bad? I didn't think last night was such a big deal, I mean I felt bad but I'm sure he enjoyed his night out with the lads anyway. I just needed to talk to Charlie properly, alone.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realise It bothered you that much," I mumbled.

"Yeah and I thought you were better than this."

"Aston?" I gasped.

"Well, he's been home all of five minutes and you're already wrapped around his little finger."

"I don't see how, I've only spent one night with him. Nothings changed."

"Babe come on, whats happened to all the hatred towards him? just a few days ago you were saying how bad he's treated you and how he's blatantly been cheating, yet now its as if he never even left the country."

"It's not like that, its, it's complicated," I stuttered.

"It shouldn't be complicated if nothings changed. New house, new start we said?"

"I can't ignore the fact that he's home, pack my things and go Aston."

"But why go back? why are you not moving on like you said you wanted to?"

I sighed.

"There's obviously still feelings there."

"He's my ex boyfriend of course there's feelings, but that doesn't mean I want us to get back together."

"Are you sure about that?"

"What do you want me to do Aston?! Cause a blazing row because of how he's treated me? Accuse him of cheating and god knows what?" I snapped.

"It would be a start."

"And how exactly can I do that when I've acted just as bad as him if not worse!?"

"What? you haven't."

Looking around the room I started to sense that I'm raising my voice, I can see ears listening into our conversation.

"Think of all the times we've slept together. I somehow don't think that's what he meant when he told you to look after me," I whispered across the table.

"It's nothing he doesn't deserve. Besides, what kind of man trusts another man to be alone in the same house as his girlfriend?"

"That's no excuse."

"That's no reason to compare yourself to him either."

"Stop dressing it up, this isn't right what we're doing."

"Oh we are still doing it then, because by the sounds of it you're already regretting it."

"I didn't say that, it's just hard for me right now," I sighed.

"Hard for you?"

"Oh poor you, I'm sorry but sex isn't at the top of my to-do list."

"I didn't mean that."

"What even is this all about? you were the one who said no strings attached, but even the thought of me getting back with Charlie has caused arguments between us."

"No, I don't care, you can do what you want," he stuttered.

I frowned.

"Just a bit of fun that means nothing."


"What?" he shrugged.

"Are we done? I've suddenly lost my appetite."

"Where are you going?" he asked as I stood up leaving him at the table.

Rummaging through my bag for my keys I marched down the street, I didn't think there was anymore home truths to be told. I thought this conversation with Aston would help, but instead its made me feel worse. He's making me feel worse.

"Kayleigh!" he called after me.

I ignored him losing sight of my car for a second.

"Babe, come on. Don't run away like this, it won't solve anything."

"I don't know it seems like a good idea to me."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Standing in front of the driver's side door on my car he stopped me from getting inside.

"Move out of the way."

"No, I asked what you mean."

"It's nothing."

He still stood stern.

"Oh for goodness sake" I moaned pushing him to the side, but as I jumped in he ran around to the passengers door and joined me.

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's going on," he swore.

"Like you'd even care! I thought you of all people would understand and listen to me, but maybe I'm the one who's believed things you've told me and shouldn't have hey?"

"That's not true, I shouldn't have said that."

"Well it seems legit," I sniffed looking out of the window.

"No babes, come on," he pleaded. "I'm sorry for shouting but its only because I'm worried about you getting hurt again. I know what he's like, he'll promise he's home yet jet back to Dubai in a few months."

"It's not as simple as that anymore," I said shaking my head.

"He hasn't changed and he never will."

"He's not well Aston."


"It might be heart problems."

"Since when?" he chuckled in disbelief.

"I don't know, but that's why he's home."

"Is that supposed to comfort you?"

"He wants to be with me, he's worried."

"I bet he does."

"It's serious! Heart problems run in his family."

"He's told you this has he?"

"Yeah, he's gone to the doctors today to see his own GP."


"Why are you being like this?"

"I don't know, maybe because it seems too much of a coincidence."

"That's ridiculous, he'd never scoop that low."

"Alright babes, if that's what you think," he sighed shaking his head.

"You know, I've been feeling bad for the way I've treated you just lately, but you're the one in the wrong Aston. You've changed ever since Charlie's been home and I don't like it!"

"Well like you said, maybe it is because of the way you've treated me. I don't even know where we stand anymore.'

"Apparently, we're just a bit of fun that doesn't mean anything.'

There's no reply, not even a movement came from him. I looked ahead twiddling my thumbs but Aston sat gazing out of the window in silence, re-thinking that whole argument we just had. I suppose you could call it our first serious one.

Minutes later he simply opened the door and disappeared down the street.


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Delayed update because I've had trouble writing this part so let me know if theres any mistakes.

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