5. Monday

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As I drove to school Monday morning, I thought about everything I wanted to accomplish.

I knew I wanted to talk to Brooke and not only convince her to give me another chance, but to sort through this mess. I want to know straight from her if the shit Avery was saying was true or not. I'm sure it isn't but I want to be one hundred percent sure. I know I said I didn't care all that much and I doubt it was true but it was eating away at me all weekend and I just have to make sure.

When I arrived on campus, I parked my car and got out to scan the grounds. Unfortunately I didn't see Brooke or the guys, but I did see Avery. I wasn't sure if I should go over and try to get a straight answer out of her one last time or wait until chemistry at the end of the day.

I left the student parking lot to travel more on campus. The two of us locked eyes for a second and she quickly looked away. Seems like something a guilty liar would do.

I headed inside the school and went to my locker, where I met Mike along the way.

"Hey, where'd you disappear off to?" He asked. "I saw you at the party then not for the rest of the night."

"I left early. I wasn't really feeling it." I shrugged.

"Woah, Luke Hemmings not feeling a party? The world must be ending." He chuckled.

"It's just it didn't interest me like they usually do." I put in my combination and opened my locker. "It didn't feel right."

"Is something wrong? I'm asking 'cause this isn't like you." He said.

"This is a good thing, Mike. The old me was the cause of my girlfriend breaking up with me and it took that to realize how I've been an idiot wasting my life." I closed my locker after I got my things out.

"Brooke? I thought you said you didn't care. That she was 'just another girl' and that you could easily get another one."

"I did but she's the only one I want." I sighed. "I really cared about her. She's the only one I've truly had feelings for and I lost her."

"You're in love with her?" He asked.

"I don't know." I shrugged. "I've never felt this way before, it's all new to me. Right now all I plan on doing is getting her back."

He nods and looks down the hall. Now that I have him here, I can ask if he knows anything about her since Avery didn't say which friend specifically.

"Hey, do you-" I was cut off by the sound of the bell ringing, signaling for us to head to first period.

"C'mon, class is starting soon." He said and started down the hall.

I sighed and followed him to history.


I hadn't seen Michael the rest of that day. After first period he disappeared. I expected to see him at lunch but he didn't show. Now that's definitely unlike him, he lives to eat, so what's going on? And then he wasn't in math so I was really confused at that point.

I started to ask him about Brooke but the bell disrupted me. I was going to bring it back up but I couldn't since I haven't seen him. I was going to bring it up to Calum or Ash but I didn't want them disappearing on me either before I got any answers.

I went to my locker to grab my notebook for my last class, chemistry. I wanted to talk to Ashton about what Avery said but she's there and I don't want to bring it up just for him to leave me hanging like Mike did. And I don't know how much I should say. Did Mike leave because I opened too much of myself to him? I know we're all friends and we can talk about anything but I'm not one to talk about how I feel to others. I don't want to be seen as weak and pathetic. Is that why he's avoiding me? Because I made him uncomfortable?

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