34. Eve

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I got out the shower and grabbed my phone from my bathroom sink to call Dylan. I had to do my shopping but I hated walking around the mall alone. Besides, he'd be a big help since all my gifts are for guys. When it comes to giving a guy a gift, I suck big time.

"Hey, Dylan." I said cheerfully when he answered.

"Hey, Avery, what's up?" He asked.

"Are you busy?"

"Not really, why?"

"Get yourself ready, I'll be there in thirty minutes. I've got some Christmas shopping to do and I need a guy's opinion." I said, preparing my toothbrush so I could brush my teeth.

"Okay then."

We hung up and I continued my usual routine for getting ready. After brushing my teeth, I went to get dressed and do my hair and makeup. I checked myself in the mirror before grabbing my shoes and leaving.

Another good thing about my dad being gone is he leaves his car and keys. He doesn't like me driving but so what? He's not here and as long as I put the keys in the exact spot by the time he gets back then I won't get in trouble.

I put the garage door up and started the car, pulling out and putting it back down as I headed to Dylan's house. The drive was short and I waited at the end of his driveway for him to come out. My wait wasn't long and he came out and got in the passenger seat.

"Thanks for coming along." I said as I left his place.

"Of course, I needed to get out of the house anyway. I love my family but they can sometimes be suffocating." He chuckled. "So, who are you getting gifts for?"

"Ash, Mikey, and Calum. I already have your gift I just have to wrap it." I replied.

"And what is it?" He asked with a grin.

"It wouldn't be right if I told you." I chuckled. "Just wait for tomorrow. I'll probably bring it over before I have to go to the Christmas party."

"Who's party?"

"Michael invited me to his family's Christmas party." I said.

"And he's one of Luke's friends, right?" He asked.

"Yeah but we're friends too. And before you ask, Luke's gonna be there too."

"Do you think that's a good idea? To be going to a party that he'll be at? I don't know if you've forgotten, but you guys didn't end things on the best note; fake relationship or friendship." He said.

"You don't have to keep reminding me." I mumbled. "I still want to be his friend but things didn't work out as I hoped."

"And by that do you mean him not admitting he loved you as much as you loved him?"

"No..." my voice drifted off. I'll admit that deep down I wanted Luke to love me too but I knew he cared about Brooke a lot so I was willing to be just friends. I didn't want to lose him completely. "Well not entirely."

"You know how I feel about him; he's a self absorbed jerk who's a complete idiot. But for some reason you cared about him and I can tell not being friends is really killing you." He said.

"Yeah." I nodded. "No matter how hard I try, I still think about him and deep down I still love him. I think that if we we're friends it'll help me just a little 'cause I won't miss him as much. I miss him now because we don't talk anymore but if we made up, I think all that will go away." I turned into the entrance of the mall parking lot and slowly drove around in search of a parking space. It's Christmas Eve, I should've known the mall would be flooded with last minute shoppers.

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