29. Gift

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*Luke's POV*

I checked the time to see it was a quarter to seven. There was little light outside and I knew I had to quickly get home before my family found out I was gone. Of course I wanted to lay here with Avery while she slept but I won't get to see her at all if I get in trouble again.

I carefully slipped my arm from under her and slowly rolled off the bed, careful not to wake her. She looks so perfect when she's soundly asleep. I slipped on my jacket and grabbed my shoes and put them on.

I went over to her desk and grabbed a pen and index card to quickly write out a note. I felt bad for having to leave like this but I had to get home and she needs her rest.


I'm sorry I have to slip out like this, I didn't want to wake you. Since you can't text me, I'll talk to you either Monday or later today if you get your phone back. Don't let him get to you, stay strong.


I really wanted to sign it 'love, Luke' but I'm pretty sure that'd be wrong since we're only supposed to be friends. I went back over to her bed and laid it on the pillow I was laying on last night and leaned down and pressed my lips to her forehead.

I went over to her window and opened it so I could climb back out. I couldn't close it so I hope she doesn't mind. I climbed back down the tree and walked from the side of her house and down the street where I parked my car and headed home.

I got to my house a quarter past seven and quietly opened the front door and closed it behind me. I took off my shoes so I didn't make any noise as I walked up the wooden stairs to my room.

Once I went into my room, I closed the door and threw myself onto my bed and let out a breath of relief. For once it looked like I was gonna get away with something. But even if I did get caught, the risk was worth it. I got to spend the night with Avery. Being with her was the only thing on my mind, not what my parents would say if they found out I snuck out.

But now that her dad's home and I know what he does to her, I don't know how I'll be once I get around him again. All I can think about is how big of a coward he is for beating up on a teenage girl like that. After she explained what goes on, a lot of things add up. I can see why she's so distant and hard on herself, he's degraded her for years and caused her to have low self-esteem and hurt herself as a way to deal with the pain.

I sat up and paced my room. I can't think about it 'cause it makes me upset but I can't do anything about it and that upsets me even more. I've got to find a way to get my mind off it so I don't do anything that could mess up things between us.

I grabbed my phone from the bed and called Michael. Maybe he's up for hanging out, I could use the company. Avery would be my first choice but I can't call her and I don't want to have a run in with her dad.

"What the fuck is your problem, Hemmings? Do you think this shit is okay? This is why I despise you, you do stupid shit like this and you think it's fucking okay when you should know damn well it's not." He growled through the phone.

I checked the clock and face palmed myself. I forgot he doesn't like being woken up before ten and it's not even eight.

"I'm sorry, Mike, I just forgot." I said.

"I'm gonna regret asking this," he sighed, "but what's wrong?"

"Wanna hang out later?" I asked.

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