36. Advice

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*Luke's POV*

I left Avery's house, satisfied with the outcome. I meant every word of that apology and I could tell she did to. I couldn't stand not having some sort of relationship with her, she means too much to me to cut her off completely.

Now that we're friends again, I think my life is finally how it should be. I'm with Brooke again and I've got great friends, nothing gets better than that. The only conflict I'm facing now is lying to Brooke about loving her and actually being in love with Avery.

Brooke is an amazing girl and she's the first one that made me want to change and do better, even though I wasn't the best to her somewhere in the middle of our first relationship. I care about her a lot and I know I can love her, it'll just take some time. It's weird how it didn't take me long to fall in love with Avery and I've known Brooke much longer. I feel different when I'm with Avery than when I'm with Brooke. I feel more of a connection with her and that kind of frightens me. Not only am I with someone but she's with Ash and I can't steal his girl again. Even though Brooke was truly mine to begin with.

I shouldn't be thinking like this. I have Brooke so why do I feel unsatisfied like she isn't enough? Is it because of the love thing? Because if so, I can find something that'll make me fall in love with her. I just want to feel the same way about her that she feels about me. I know first hand what it's like to be in love by yourself and it's not fun. I'm gonna try my best to do right by her. She's too special to have her heart broken by me twice.

I arrived home and went inside. I've been doing my best to avoid my family ever since Jack found out about Brooke and that meant leaving early in the morning and coming back late at night. But I guess they've caught on to what I've been doing because as I walked through the living room heading to the stairs, a lamp turned on to reveal my parents and older siblings sitting on the couches and chairs.

"Sit." My mother ordered. I was reluctant but I obeyed 'cause she seemed upset and disobeying would make it worse.

I took the armchair opposite everyone else. I sat up in my seat, being too nervous to sit back and relax. I don't know why I was nervous, though, I did nothing wrong. They can't dictate who I'm with. I'm my own person and they've got to learn to stop meddling in my business.

"Is someone gonna say something?" I asked, pretty annoyed now since we've been sitting in silence for three minutes now.

"Why don't you tell us what went wrong between you and Avery?" My mum said.

"What is there to tell? We got in a fight and broke up, end of story." I shrugged. "This is ridiculous. I know you guys don't like Brooke but I care about her and that's all that matters. You barely even know her."

"I know her well enough to know that's she's not right for you. I'm not saying you should be looking for a wife or anything but I'm not gonna let you date a tramp." My mother said.

"She's not a tramp, mum, and I'm quite offended that you think I can't make good decisions on my own. I can date who I want as long as I don't get them pregnant." As much as I love them, it's really irritating when they always butt into my life.

"What's wrong with Avery? She's a nice girl-"

"Yeah she was nice but we just didn't work out, okay?" I stood up. "If you could stay out of my personal life, I'd greatly appreciate it." I marched to the staircase and went up to my room before anyone could stop me. I slammed my door and threw myself on my bed, frustrated.

They always trash Brooke for no reason, especially my mum. She's a great girl who I care deeply about and they have no right to think of her as anything less. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful to have a family that cares about me a lot, but I don't enjoy them constantly prying into my life. They always told me Brooke wasn't right for me but I don't see it. She's smart, beautiful, funny, caring, and I admire her lot. The only thing wrong is I don't love her but I'm working on it. There's a lot she has to offer and I know I'll be able to return the feeling, I just have to let go of Avery first.

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