21. Better

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*Luke's POV*

"Ha, I win again!" Brooke laughed.

"I'm truly convinced you're cheating!" I laughed.

"You only think I'm cheating because you suck." She chuckled.

"Okay that's not true. I don't suck."

"I won five games in a row. You won only once." She pointed out.

"So maybe I'm not that good." I chuckled.

Since Avery was with Ash, Brooke and I were hanging out. I didn't want to take her anywhere only because I didn't want it to seem like a date and I wanted her to be comfortable around me. So I thought playing video games at my place was a nice way for her to get a feel for me again.

I took a handful of popcorn and shoved it into my mouth, earning a laugh from her because half of it fell into my lap. I smiled because it was one of the sweetest sounds I've ever heard and I missed it so much.

"This is nice." She smiled.

"What?" I asked.

"That we can hang out without there being any awkward tension. It's almost like old times."

I smiled. "Yeah, almost."

I'm glad she can see us moving past all the problems from before. I've changed for the better and I'm ready for another chance. I know we can make things right, I just need her to be open.

We stared at each other, smiling, for a few seconds before she cleared her throat and grabbed her phone.

"I should probably get going." She said, standing up. "You know how my mom is, she doesn't like me late for dinner."

"Yeah." I stood up, the popcorn on my lap falling to the floor. "I'll walk you out."

We walked to my front door and I opened it and held it so she could walk out first and me behind her.

"I really did have a lot of fun, Luke. Thanks for inviting me over." She said when we reached her car door.

"No problem. I had a lot of fun too." I smiled.

I wanted to kiss her so bad but if I did, who knows how she'd react. She could like it and kiss me back or she could push me off and never talk to me again.

"I'll see you tomorrow." She said, opening her door and getting in.

"See you tomorrow." I nodded and watched her drive off before going back inside.

I went to the living room and began to clean up. My mum would have a cow if she knew Brooke and I left all of this mess. She'd probably be even more upset if she knew Brooke was here because she doesn't like her. I knew she never did when we were together but I didn't care because I was crazy about her. Who am I kidding? I still am.

There's so much I like about her. It started out with just us talking at another party and I usually don't do that. I find a girl, hook up with her, and then don't see her again. But it was different with her and somewhere in that period of time of us talking, I felt something. I don't know how to describe it because  it's nothing I've ever felt before but I knew I had to get to know her.

Things between us were going great in the beginning and only started to fall apart when I'd go out, get drunk, and hook up with other girls. I can't even imagine how heart breaking that must've been to her, to be repeatedly cheated on. And for some reason she kept forgiving me. Any decent guy would've changed then before it was too late but I was an idiot and didn't realize what I had until it was gone.

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