48. Midnight Memories

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*Avery's POV*

Yesterday seemed like a dream. Luke came in here and confessed his love for me and we shared a beautiful, passionate kiss. How could it have not been a dream? I mean, good things like that don't happen to me so it had to be fake.

But it wasn't. It was as real as you and me and I'm the happiest I've ever been and probably ever will be. I'm with the one I love, for real this time.

I was so happy, nothing could break my spirit, not even my father's rude remarks. He was a dick all morning but I didn't let that get to me because I knew my wonderful boyfriend would be here to pick me up soon.

I was all set and I went downstairs and outside where Luke was just pulling up. I smiled as I approached his car, getting in and his lips connected with mine.

"Good morning, baby." He smiled as he pulled away.

"Hey." I bit my lip as he settled himself back into his seat. Him calling me baby will forever be one of my favorite things.

"I got you coffee." He handed me the cup from the cup holder between us.

"Thank you." I said, licking some of the whipped cream off the top as he pulled out of the driveway and headed to school.

Simple actions like these are just some of the things that make me love him. He'll get my favorite drink, walk me to class, send me cute texts- the list is endless. He does so much for me and I don't do nearly as much for him.

We arrived at school and he parked his car, both of us getting out. He came around and grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers. We headed up to the school but were stopped when we heard our names being called.

"Luke! Avery!"

We turned to search for the source of the yelling and Luke pointed out Michael and Calum running towards us.

"Is this what I think it is?" Cal asked, motioning between us.

"Did you finally grow a pair and tell her?" Mike panted. I'm surprised he's still standing after running across the parking lot. I would've thought he'd pass out from doing something that required more than the movement of his thumbs.

"Shut up, Mike. But yeah, we're official." He smiled down at me and I leaned into him.

"You guys knew?" I asked.

"Yep," Cal nodded, "everything."

"Everything?" My eyes widened as I looked at Luke.

"I may have let it slip to them when I was venting." He chuckled, scratching the back of his neck.

"So how did Brooke take it? Did she go bat crazy when you dumped her or was she understanding?" Mike asked.

I didn't think to ask him that yesterday, probably because I was too overwhelmed with the confession of love and the making out. He briefly mentioned it but didn't go into detail.

"She was more hurt than anything." He shrugged. "But it had to be done. I didn't pour anything over her head, though." He joked, nudging me.

"Shut up." I chuckled. That night seems like a distant memory even though it was only five days ago. And even though he was totally wrong, I do feel kind of bad for embarrassing him like that. I would apologize to him but given how our last interaction went, I don't think he wants to speak to me anytime soon. But still, he deserved it.

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