27. Amusement Park

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*Avery's POV*

The week flew by and I had to admit, I was pretty excited for the double date, but also a little nervous. Was it because I'd be spending time with Luke and Ashton, two people I have feelings for? Or maybe because I'll be around Ashton and Brooke in a non-school setting and I still get nervous around him because of that kiss.

Whatever the reason, I wasn't gonna let it get in the way of me having a good time. I love amusement parks, especially the roller coasters. I just want everything to go smoothly; no tension, no drama, just fun.

Luke and I went to my house after school since we weren't gonna meet them at the park until seven. I went to sit in the living room and he went to the kitchen to get a snack I assumed. I turned on the television and he came back with a bag of white cheddar popcorn and sat next to me.

"Who's grand idea was it to go to an amusement park?" Luke asked.

"It was Brooke's, why?" I asked.

"Because they suck." He said.

"How do they suck?" I reached and grabbed some popcorn. "Who doesn't love riding roller coasters, playing games to win prizes, and the delicious food? There's nothing that sucks about amusement parks."

"That's what you think." He said.

"Then tell me why you hate them so much."

"The roller coasters."

"What's wrong with roller coasters? Do they bore you?" I asked.

"No it's...they scare me."

"You're afraid of roller coasters?"

"No...I'm afraid of heights." He mumbled.

"You're afraid of heights? You're the definition of height!" I chuckled.

He rolled his eyes. "It's not funny."

"You're right, I'm sorry." He was supportive when I opened up to him so it's only right that I do the same. "If Brooke knew this then why would she choose an amusement park?"

"She doesn't know, no one does, well except for you. It's just too embarrassing."

I reached out and put my hand on his back and rubbed it. "There's nothing to be afraid about, everyone fears something. If you want, we can call and see if they're willing to go somewhere else."

"You don't have to." He shook his head. "You sounded so excited about going that I'm willing to put my issue aside so you'll have a good time."

"Really?" I smiled. "Thanks." I leaned over and gave him a hug, making sure I kept it short to not complicate things. "I promise you'll enjoy yourself."

"If you say so." He stated and turned back to the t.v.


We continued to chill at my house as we waited for the right time to leave. As it came closer and closer to the time of our departure, I excused myself and went up to my room to change.

I looked through my clothes, although there wasn't much of a point since I wear the same thing all the time, and began to strip once I found a different outfit to wear. I decided on a pair of grey leggings that were ripped at the knee and and a white crop top with little black skulls all over it. I brushed my hair and put it up in a ponytail since we'd be riding rides and I didn't want it to get all tangled in the wind. I touched up my makeup and slipped on my grey shoes before heading back down to Luke.

"I'm all ready." I announced.

He stood up and turned to look at me. He looked me up and down and I suddenly became self conscious and tried to pulled my short shirt over my exposed stomach.

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