15. Video

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The next day, the pain in my eyes was gone completely. I put an ice pack over my black eye so the swelling went down and the color changed slightly. I put waterproof concealer on this time, just to be safe, as I got ready for school.

Once I was dressed and my teeth were brushed, I went to go see what my dad wanted for breakfast and was surprised that he was already gone. I didn't care where he was, as long as he was out of the house and out of my hair.

I went downstairs to grab a bottled water and make a piece of toast to eat so I could take my medicine. Once I was all ready, I went outside to wait for Luke.

I played a game on my phone as I stood on the porch and looked up when I heard a car pulling up. Surprisingly I wasn't dreading seeing him everyday. I've gotten used to him and he's not that bad at times. I also enjoy the free rides to school.

"Good morning." I said as I got in the car and strapped myself in.

"Hey." He replied and put the car in reverse to back out. "Brooke comes back today." He starts.

"Oh yeah." I nodded. "And you guys are recording that video today right?"

"Supposed to." He said. It's not my place but he sounded a bit off. We're not that close to where we can just tell each other things but I don't like seeing people sad, no matter who they are.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing." He shook his head.

"That's bullshit and you know it. Something's bothering you and you're not good at hiding it. You can tell me, we're friends."

He stopped at a red light and looked at me and I smiled. I don't know if I went a little too far, but I do consider him to be a friend.

He let out a sigh. "I don't know, I guess I'm having doubts."

"Doubts about what?"

The light turned green and he started driving again. "Like what if this doesn't work? What if Ashton doesn't go for you like we're hoping he does? What if Brooke really doesn't care for me as much as I thought she did and never gives me another chance? What if-"

"Luke." I cut him off.

"Yeah?" We arrived at the school and he parked the car.

"You don't need to panic, just take it one day at a time. Nothing is gonna happen at the drop of a hat. Just be patient and things will work out." I said.

He nodded. "Yeah, okay."

We got out of his car and he draped his arm over my shoulders as we walked towards the school.

"Since when did you become the calm, sensible one?" He chuckled.

"I don't know." I shrugged. "I guess I'm just used to all of this now."

We were silent as we walked to my locker. I put in my combination and he leaned against the lockers beside me as I exchanged some books.

"Did you mean what you said earlier?" He asked.

"Which thing?" I closed the door and looked at him.

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