Chapter 20

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It was getting late and Squid hadn't come out of his bedroom at all, well that was what Tom thought. Tom walked upstairs and knocked on the door. He got no reply so he walked in and found no one.
"Squid, Squid where are you?" Tom yelled.
His parents would be home in an hour and he didn't want them to know Squid was missing. He immediately called Nicole, Stampy and Ash. They were told to meet up at his place. They were there within ten minutes.
"Guys, we gotta find Squid, he's missing" Tom said
"Well you know the places that he might be at lets search those places, we'll split up, that way we can cover more area" Nicole stated
"Ok, Stampy, you go check Andy's place, he is one of Squid's friends who was not an idiot here is the address, Ash you go to the skate park, Nicole go check the shops, and I'll go check the park" Tom demanded and they began the search.

At the park:
Squid had cried himself to sleep and was on the playground equipment. Squid then heard a loud rustling sound which woke him up. Squid sat up and looked around. He swore he saw a shadow run past. He saw that it was now night time. Squid shook his head and was about to get up but was grabbed from behind. Squid was about to yell but his mouth was covered.
"Don't make a sound" the person said.
Squid recognised the voice. He then heard someone yelling his name.
"We'll get you next time David and don't mention a word about us to anyone" the person ordered then ran off.
Squid was in shock. He then saw Tom run into the park yelling Squid's name. When Tom's back was turned, Squid jumped down.
"I'm right here Tom" Squid said
"Oh Squid, thank god your ok, don't you ever run away again, mum and dad will be home in 5 minutes and I've got to call Nicole, Stampy and Ash to tell them I found you" Tom explained as he grabbed Squid's arm and made sure he was running by his side back home.
"Wait you guys were looking for me?"
"Yeah, why wouldn't we?"
"I don't know" Squid shrugged as he looked behind him to see someone running out of the park.

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