Chapter 27

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The next day, Squid lost his voice completely. He found this out when his mum brought him a glass of water and was going to say thanks but nothing came out other than large amounts of pain in his throat. So now he was writing and texting instead. He texted Tom to see if they could play the Xbox together and being the nice brother Tom was, he said yes and for two hours they played Call Of Duty, Minecraft and Skyrim. Tom spent the whole day with Squid. It was like being back to when they were little kids, whenever one of them was sick, the other would stick by them until they were better. Some other activities they did were drawing, computer games, and Tom just talking to Squid who would smile whenever he wanted to laugh at Tom's jokes or funny stories.
"Remember that time when it was April fools and we pulled pranks on the teachers all day in primary school, those were some funny times back then" Tom laughed.
Squid continued to smile. He loved having Tom around. He wouldn't know what he'd do if he didn't have a brother. Their mum was at the door watching the two boys get on. She to was smiling at them. She couldn't of been more proud. Squid got a text from Stampy asking if they could Skype and he replied 'yes but Tom will be talking' and Tom and Squid Skyped Stampy and explained how Squid had lost his voice and what they had been doing all day.
"Yeah, Ash was over today and he said he was coming to see you tomorrow so you two can choose some songs Squid for the school dance" Stampy explained and Squid nodded.
They all continued to talk and then they also Skyped Ash so it was a three way call. This went on until it was dinner time and then the day ended like that.

Thought I'd put some brotherly love in this.

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