Chapter 15

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I ran after Hermione, she was far ahead of me I thought I would have lost her, but I saw her quickly go into the girls bathroom. I follow after her.

"Hermione?" I say her name. She doesn't respond. I walk over to the stall that was closed, knowing she was in there.

"Come on Hermione. Don't listen to what Ron says. You're a brilliant girl. Anyone would be luck to have you as a friend." I tell her.

"Really?" I hear her ask softly.

"Yes! Even I would be very honored to be friends with you! Just don't listen to Ron he's just Jealous of you." I tell her.

I hear her unlock the stall that she's in and she slowly opens the door, "Really?" She asks with a sniffle.

I smile, "Yeah. Really Hermione, don't listen to what anyone says to you, about you, or any other dumb thing." I tell her.

She gives me a small smile and wipes her tears away. I give her a hug, and she returns it.

~~~ (3rd person, back to the great hall,)

A night sky covers the Great hall ceiling. Everyone is eating candy, and JackO'Lanterns are keeping the place lit, in place of the normal candles. There is chatter.

Harry looks around worried about Hermione and Rose.

The Doors to the great hall slams open, and Quirrell comes running in "TROLL! IN THE DUNGEON! T-TROOLLL IN THE DUNGEON!! Thought you ought to know." He shout, and then faints.

The great hall erupts in screams. All the kids, scared.

"SILLLLLEEENNNNCEEEEE!" Dumbledore shout, cause everyone to stop. "Everyone will please, not panic. Now, Prefects will lead their houses back to the dormitories. Teachers will follow me to the dungeons." Dumbledore tells everyone calmly.

Snape looks aghast. He looks around every where, looking for Rose. He doesn't see her. And he quickly disappears through a doorway near the professors table.


Percy is leading his house down a hall. "Gryffindors...keep up please. And stay alert!" Percy tells the kids.

"How could a troll get in?" Harry asks Ron.

"Not by itself. Trolls are really stupid. Probably people playing jokes." Ron tells harry with a shrug. Suddenly, Harry stops and pulls Ron aside." What?" Ron asks confused.

"Rose and Hermione! They don't know!" Harry tells Ron, worry clear in his voice. The two run off, down corridors. They start running down a hall when they stop, because there is a grunting noise. Harry pulls Ron into a doorway and a large, ugly troll thunks by into a room.

"He's going into the Girl's Bathroom!" Harry tells Ron.

~~ (back to Rose's pov.)

Hermione and I let go of our hug, She takes a step to head to the door but stops in her tracks. I turn around, about to ask her whats wrong when I see what she's looking at. There was a huge troll standing the the door way. blocking our only exit. Hermione backs up, I follow her, not removing my sight from the troll. We quickly enter the stall when we notice the troll lift up its hand with the club in its grip. It smashes the top part of the stalls causing Hermione and I to scream, as we duck down to avoid getting hit.

"Rose!Hermione! move!" I hear Harry shout to us. We crawl under the stalls, the troll smashes the remaining stalls. We run to under the sinks.

"Help! Help!"Hermione shouts to the boys. The boys start throwing wood pieces at the troll.

"Hey, pea brain!" Ron shouts. Ron throws wood and hits the troll on the head. The troll notices us under the sink, it goes to hit us, but hits the sink next to the one we're under, cracking the sink and barely misses Hermione and I.

"Ahhh! Help!" Hermione shouts. I cover my head in case the troll swings again.

Harry gets out his wand. He runs forward and grabs the troll's club, and is lifted up with him on it. "Whooa! Whoa, whoa! " Harry yells. He lands on the troll's head, and is hurled forward, then back, and his wand goes up the troll's nose.

"Ew." Ron says, causing me to cringe. The troll snorts and whips around.

"Whoa, whoa whoa!" Harry continues to say. The troll gets Harry off its head and is holding him by one leg, upside down. It lifts its club up and swipes at Harry. He pulls himself up, when the club got near him. The troll swipes again.

"Do something!" Harry shout, avoiding the club again

"What?" Ron shouts as we watch harry avoid the club again.

"Anything! Hurry up!" Harry shouts, again avoiding a hit.

"Use your wand, Ron!" I shout to him. Ron grabs his wand.

"Swish and flick!" Hermione shouts to him, Doing the hand motions as she does.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Ron Shouts, pointing his wand up towards the troll. The club is lifted out of the troll's hand and hovers above its head. The troll looks up, confused, just as the club comes crashing back down. It hits the troll's head and the troll wavers, then drops Harry, who crawls away, and the troll comes crashing down, hard.

Hermione and I slowly crawl away from under the sink. We approaches carefully.

"Is it...dead?" I ask them carefully and hesitantly.

"I don't think so. Just knocked out." Harry tells us. He grabs his wand...which is covered in goo.

"Ew. Troll bogies." Ron says, grossed out.

Suddenly, Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape and Professor Quirrell come rushing in. They all gasp.

I stood their a bit scared, from what happened with the Troll and what punishment we could get.

"Oh! Oh, my goodness! E-Explain yourselves, both of you!" Professor McGonagall ask Harry and Ron.

"Well, what it is..." The both start talking at the same times.

"It's my fault, Professor McGonagall." Hermione cuts in. The teachers, and Ron, Harry, and I just look at her shocked.

"Ms. Granger?" Professor McGonagall asks confused.

"I went looking for the troll. I'd read about them and thought I could handle it. But I was wrong. If Harry, Ron, and Rose hadn't come and found me...I'd probably be dead." Hermione explains to them.

"Be that as it was an extremely foolish thing to do. I would have expected more rational behaviour on your part, Ms. Granger. 5 points will be taken from Gryffindor for your serious lack of judgment. As for you two gentlemen I just hope you realize how fortunate you are. Not many students could take on a full grown mountain troll and live to tell the tale. 5 points...will be awarded to each of you. For sheer dumb luck. An as for you Ms. Evans, I believe Professor Snape here can handle your punishment." Professor McGonagall says to each of us, she gives me a pointed look and looks at Uncle Sev. McGonagall then walks out of the room.

"Rose, come with me." Uncle Sev, tells me, using his teacher stern voice.

I look down a bit, knowing he's disappointed in me. and follow him out of the room. Leaving my friends behind.

Tada! A much more exciting chapter in my opinion!

So turns out my school blocked wattpad on our laptops which effects me a lot cause I can't update as frequently!!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Lots of luv~ snowflake

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