Chapter Four

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As we arrive at Flourish and Blotts, we see a massive crowd of middle-aged ladies around the bookstore. We squeeze our way through the entrance and see Gilderoy Lockhart smiling and winking at the cameras that were around him.

Once Mrs. Weasley sees him she starts to pat down her hair. "Oh, There he is!" she says.

Ron turns to us "Mum fancies him." he tells us. I laugh a little. She hears him, and gives Ron a jab in the shoulder.

A short man with a camera, rushes through our group. "Out of the way! This is for the daily prophet." He tells us. Instantly, Lockhart looks up, flashes a smile, then he glances at our group, more specifically Harry.

"It can't be Harry Potter?" He says out loud to no one.

The crowd starts to whisper excitedly as Lockhart steps forward of the stage, seizes Harry's hand and turns him toward the photographer.

I notice that Lockhart whispers something to Harry before the Camera goes off, then he addresses the whole store. "Ladies and gentlemen! What an extraordinary moment this is! When young Harry here stepped into Flourish and Blotts this morning to purchase my autobiography, Magical Me -- which, incidentally is celebrating its twenty-seventh week atop The Daily Prophet's Bestseller List -- he had no idea that he would, in fact, be leaving with my entire collected works! Free of charge!"

The crowd claps, and before Harry knows it, a towering stack of books is shoved into his arms. Looking sort of Mortified, Harry mumbles quietly a thank you and slips back into the big crowd .

He got back to us, He attempted to hand me the books, "Nope I already Have everything I need." I tell him shaking my head, taking a step away from him and his stake of books.

He nods and walks over to Ginny, and drops the books into Ginny's cauldron. "You have these. I'll buy my own." He tells her.

Suddenly a voice comes from the stairs of the store towards us, "Bet you loved that, didn't you, Potter? Famous Harry Potter. Can't even go into a bookshop without making the front page." We all look and see Draco.

My eyes widened, Draco got taller! I was about to say something to hopefully stop an argument from happening, but Ginny beat me to it. "Leave him alone! He didn't want all that!" She defends him.

Draco laughs a little walking down the stairs towards us, "Look, Potter. You've got yourself a girlfriend!" he says, then glances at me.

Suddenly Draco's father, Lucius Malfoy puts a hand on Draco's shoulder. "Silence, Draco! Hello Rose." He says to me, glancing at me.

"Hello Lucius. Hello Draco." I address them, giving them a curt nod. Lucius then glances to my left.

"Ah... Mr. Potter. I don't believe we've met." Lucius extends his hand, as if offering to shake Harry's, but instead gently plays his fingers over the fringe of Harry's scalp, revealing Harry's scar. At his touch, Harry withdraws, ever so slightly. "Forgive me, Mr. Potter. But your scar is legend. As, of course, is the wizard who gave it to you."

Harry glares slightly "He was a murderer." He states.

Lucius nods "Yes, a pity about your parents. Curious that you yourself should escape with a mere flesh wound. Curious, too, that you speak of him in the past. Surely, you don't think He-Who-Must-Not-Be Named is gone forever." He says with no care or pity in his voice.

"His name is Voldemort." Harry says without missing a beat. The people in the crowd within earshot gasp as Harry utters 'the name'.

"You must be very brave, Mr. Potter, to dare speak his name. Or foolish." Lucius tells him.

Hermione steps up "Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself." She tells him. Lucius's eyes move and find Hermione staring defiantly.

"You must be Miss Granger. Draco's told me all about you... and your parents. Muggles, aren't you?" Lucius says, his eyes glancing at them. Mr. and Mrs. Granger nod nervously.

Mr. Weasley hurries over. "Ron! Rose! Harry! It's mad in here. Let's go outside." He says to us.

"Well, well, well -- Arthur Weasley." Lucius says to Arthur before any of us could take a step.

Mr. Weasley stood stiffly, "Lucius." He says in a business manner.

"Busy time at the Ministry. All those raids. I hope they're paying you overtime." Lucius says. He reaches into Ginny's cauldron, removes a very old, battered copy of A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration. "Obviously not. Dear me. What's the use of being a disgrace to the name of wizards if they don't even pay you well for it. "

"We have a very different idea about what disgraces the name of wizards, Lucius." Mr. Weasley says to him with a slight glare.

Lucius glancing at the Grangers "Clearly. The company you keep, Weasley. And I thought your family could sink no lower." Mr. Weasley moves to hit Lucius. Hagrid steps forward from the crowd and puts a firm hand on Mr. Weasley's shoulder.

"Ignore 'im, Arthur." Hagrid tells him, keeping a glare to Lucius. Mr. Weasley backs away, calming down.

Lucius Malfoy tosses Ginny's battered textbook back into her cauldron. "Here, girl. Take your book. It's the best your father can give you."

He then glances at me, "Happy Birthday Rose." He says to me, his face showing no emotion.

"Thank you, Lucius." I respond, also keeping a poker face.

Lucius turns and walks away.

"Happy birthday." Draco says and hands me a nicely wrapped box quickly. I give him a small smile.

"Draco" his father calls him, and Draco quickly exits.

"No Malfoy's worth listenin' ter. Rotten ter the core, the whole family" Hagrid tells the Weasley's, but I tune him out looking down at the box, with a slightly sad smile.

'Not entirely rotten' I think to myself, placing the box in my pocket to open later and follow the group out of the bookstore.


Hope you enjoy!




lots of luv~ snowflake

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