Chapter Two

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As the car goes through a pink sky. We see the lopsided sign that reads: ' The Burrow'.

The car touches down dust flying everywhere. The boys and I get out of the car quickly.

Fred whispers to us, "Hurry! Let's slip inside before Mum wakes up!"

The boys and I sneak inside, gently close the door. Harry stops looking at the magical objects surrounding him. A pair of needles knit a sweater by themselves,and a stack of playing cards shuffling themselves.

Ron shrugs "It's not much, but it's home." He says to Harry.

Harry looks around some more, still looking amazed "I think it's... brilliant!" Harry says to Ron. Ron looks up and sees Harry's mesmerized face causing Ron to grin.

"WHERE... HAVE... YOU... BEEN?!" We all hear Mrs. Weasley's voice yell from within the Burrow. We all nearly jump out of our skin. Mrs. Weasley stands in the doorway. A Furious look on her face. She smiles sweetly at Harry and me.

Mrs. Weasley turns to Harry and I "Harry! How wonderful to see you, Rose has missed you." She said towards us then she snapped her head towards her ginger sons, "Beds empty! No note! You could've died! You could've been seen!" She then turns to Harry and I, again, "I don't blame either of you, of course, dears."

"They were starving him, Mum! There were bars on his window!" Ron tries to reason with his mother.

"You best hope I don't put bars on your window, Ronald Weasley!" Mrs. Weasley says to Ron. She then turns her head to us again. Her tone softening instantly "Care for a spot of tea, Harry? Rose?" she asks, leading us to take a seat at the table.

"Mummy. Have you seen my jumper" Ginny's voice rang as she walks into the room, she sees Harry, and gives out a small squeal and runs back up the stairs.

"That's Ginny. Been talking about you all summer. Bloody annoying, really." Ron says to Harry. I try to hold in my laughter as I hear that, I slightly encouraged her ranting on Harry seeing as none of her brothers cared to listen. She has a small crush and I find it adorable.

"Dad's home!" George tells everyone from the window.

The front door opens and Mr. Weasley enters.

"What a night! Nine raids! Nine!" Mr. Weasley tells us as he walks through the house, taking off his hat.

Harry turns to Ron "Raids?"

"Dad works at the Ministry of Magic. In the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office." Ron explains.

"The Misuse of Muggle Artifacts...?" Harry says in a questioning tone.

"That's when wizards bewitch something to drive Muggles mad. Shrinking door keys, that kind of thing." I explain from the other side of Harry.

"Yes, Dad loves Muggles. Thinks they're fascinating." Ron tells Harry.

Mr. Weasley hangs up his cloak, turns, takes a seat, then looks around, now noticing Harry. "Well now. Who are you?"

"Harry, sir. Harry Potter." Harry introduces.

"Good Lord, are you really? Ron's told us all about you, of course. When did you get here?" Mr. Weasley asks, slightly amazed to be meeting him.

"This morning. Your sons took Rose and flew that enchanted car of yours to Surrey house and back last night." Mrs. Weasley says in a slightly dark tone.

"Did you now! How'd it go?!" Mr. Weasley asks us in a happy tone, then glances at his wife's slight glare. "I... I mean... That was very wrong, boys. Very wrong indeed. So, Harry. You must know all about Muggles. Tell me, what exactly is the function of a Rubber Duck?" Mr. Weasley attempts to correct his tone, and then asks Harry a quite amusing question.

Suddenly we all hear a smack and turn and see Errol, the Weasley's owl, smack right into the glass.

"That must be Errol with the post. Fetch him, will you, George?" Mrs. Weasley says.

George takes the unconscious Errol, and takes the letters clutched in his claws.

" It's our Hogwarts letters! And look. They've sent Rose's, Oh and Harry's as well." George says as he looks through the letters. Handing out the letters to us as he goes through them.

"Dumbledore must know you're here, Harry. Doesn't miss a trick, that man." Mrs. Weasley says.

Fred opens his and begins to read it "This lot won't come cheap, Mum. The spell books alone." Fred tells Mrs. Weasley, showing her the list of new books everyone must get.

Mrs. Weasley looks over the list and gives out a sigh "We'll manage. Right then. There's only one place to get all of this." She says cheering up towards the end, giving everyone a smile.

"Diagon Alley!" All of us Cheer, excited to get our school supplies for another year at Hogwarts!


Hope you enjoy




lots of kuv~ snowflake

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