Annalaishia POV

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I was shaken up a little, Amber more so because she was a pup and didn't understand. Right now she was whimpering and it was irritating me.

'What's wrong, Amber?'

'I want Nikky.'

Who in the fuck is Nikky? I thought to myself.

'Who?' I asked.

'Nikolai, our mate, our alpha.'

I rolled my eyes. I stood and walked over to Nick.

"Yes, Anna." he looked up at me from his book.

"She wants you." I said looking down at my feet.

"I know." he smirked.

"How?" I asked squinting my eyes at him.

"My Lycan can feel her, vaguely though. Once I mark and mate you I will be able to feel Amber and your emotions completely and you mine."

"Oh okay. How long until we touch down in England."

"About 6 more hours. I have something I need you to drink. Sit, I'll be back."

I stood just to be defiant. Nobody tells me what to do. I huffed.

'Nicky is going to get you.' Amber warned.

'Psh, Whatever.' I rolled my eyes.

"I told you to sit, Anna." He stood in front of me. His 6'5 frame was extremely intimidating with his broad shoulders, bulging biceps, and hazel eyes, but I won't let him know that. I've had an attitude since we got on the plane and honestly I'm not really sure why.

"I want to stand."

Next thing I knew I was sitting down in Nick's lap.

"You are testing my patience, Anna." he growled. Which lowkey made my panties a little damp.

"What are you going to do, put me in the corner?"

"No, I'll put your smart mouth to use." he smirked.

My mouth dropped. "Are you talking about making me suck your penis?"

"Yes." he stated simply.

"You must have lost your wolf like mind. You not punish me sexually." I stood only to be pulled back onto his lap.

"I will do what I please to your body, anna, especially if it involves pleasuring us both. I'm a dominate man and I expect you to submit when I tell you to or I will make you. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Nick." i gulped.

"Good. Now drink this." he shoved a blood bag into my hand.

"I thought you said that you would start me on animal blood?"

"I don't keep animal blood in storage. Just drink it, Anna."

"Okay." I open the bag carefully and as soon as I got a whiff of the metallic smell my mouth began to water.

"Drink, Anna."

I put the opening of the bag to my lips and sucked. The blood flowed onto my tongue and boy was it good. i finished the bag then handed it back to him.

"Still hungry or thirsty?" he asked

"No, not at all. Thank you."

"No problem, mate." he walked away throwing the bag in the garbage.

"I'm sorry for being a bitch and being disobedient." I apologized to him.

"Apology accepted. Now get some rest. You'll need it." I snuggled up to Nick and let my eyes close.

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