Annalaishia's POV

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The female Sorcerer lunged at me and I side stepped her making her run into the wall. 

"I may be pregnant but I can still move faster than you." I smirked. The baby shifted in my womb and I began to worry a little. I didn't want anything to happen to my child. 

Nikolai was fighting 3 other sorcerers, he was trying to make sure they didn't get into the palace. Nick and I didn't want to use our magic yet but these demonic assholes were putting up a good fight. 

The woman pushed herself off of the wall and turned facing me. She glanced at my stomach and smirked. She levitated a shard of glass and shot it toward my belly. Right before I could reach out and grab it to block it, Nick caught it in his paw. 

"You have some nerve." he growled. 

He threw the shard of glass back at her and it pierced her throat. She would die slowly that way but I wanted her dead now. The fact that she had attempted to harm my child infuriated me. I wouldn't mutilate her body like I did her leaders but I would remove her head from her body and burn it. 

I walked over to her. She held her neck where the glass had pierced it and tried to crawl away from me. I kicked her in her face and bent down grabbing her by her hair. I pulled and pulled until her head came apart from her shoulders. 

Then I dropped her head on the floor and watched as I set it ablaze with my glare. 

"The light Sorcerer Queen, ripping heads from bodies. That's a little demonic. Don't you think?" 

I turned to see a man. I knew this man but I could pinpoint from where. He wasn't a Dark Sorcerer at all. He didn't smell magical, he smelled like a Vampire. 

"Depends on whose head I'm ripping off." I responded

"You know I wouldn't be helping them if you weren't friends with my children." 

"I don't even know who you are and I highly doubt that I know your children." 

"You don't know the Mikaelsons?" 

"I do. But I wouldn't exactly call them friends, they're more like associates." 

"Oh really?" 

"Yes, really. Can we stop with the chatting? I'm not interested in talking to threats, I'm interested in killing them." 

He smirked at me then reached for me with his canines barred.  I grabbed his arm as I side stepped it and twisted it in a very unusual looking way. He howled out in pain. I let go of his arm and circled around him as her relocated his arm. 

I focused on his eyes. Darkness. I wanted him to see darkness, feel its emptiness, and its loneliness. 

His hands went up to his eyes, touching them, wondering what had happened to his sight.

"What have you done to me?" 

"I'm letting you see what your soul looks like. That's the only thing you'll be seeing for the rest of your eternity." 


"I took your sight, you idiot. What you see is darkness. A darkness that resembles your soul." 

"You're not fighting fair." He chuckled. 

"You don't fight fair either, Michael."  My canines elongated and I tilted his head back with my mind so that I could get a good view of his Jugular vein.

I walked over to him slowly. I slid my fingers through his hair, stopping at the nape of his neck gripped it tightly. His hands grabbed my head but before he could flip me I bent down biting into his flesh, ripping his jugular out, and injecting my venom into him. It would slow him down but it wouldn't kill him. In order to kill an original I would need a white oak stake; which is something that I didn't have. In order to kill Michael, I would have to contact the Mikaelsons because they're the only ones that would have the weapon that could kill them all. 

"You're a strong, DOG!" he spat. 

"You can't get into my head, Michael. I don't care about your immature name calling. It may bother your children but not me. Because you see we are all unnatural. Are we not? Abominations as you would say. But newsflash, you're one too and killing us will never change the fact that you are the biggest abomination of them all." 

"You smart mouthed little-

Finish your sentence. I dare you to say what I think you were about to say." Nikolai said cutting Michael off. 

"Calm down, wolf." 

"You know better than to come after me, Michael. I'll fuck you up so bad that you'd wish your children would come and kill you with that stake." 

"No need to be so vile, Nick. You used to look up to me, my dear boy." 

"No, I didn't. I admired your fighting techniques, but never you. I could never admire a man like you. I'm going to let you leave but if you ever try anything else against my family, I will hunt you down like a rabid fucking dog. Do You Understand?" 

"Yes, I understand." He sneered. He stood stumbling away. He'll wander around for the next couple of days before he figures out how to maneuver without his eyesight. 

The sorcerer's that had attempted to ambush us were now dead but I knew there were more. They were hiding, waiting for the perfect time to strike. 

If they had any sense then they would leave us be. Greed overpowers their logic but the more sorcerer's they send into battle to die the more the other dark sorcerer's will realize that they are fighting a war that they will never be able to win. 

"I'm going to clean up out here and dispose of the bodies. Go in and fill in the others on what has happened." 

I nodded making my way out of the foyer and into the great room. 

When I opened the doors my mouth dropped. There were dead bodies everywhere and my family was clearing them out. How did we not sense them? 

"They're low breed sorcerer's that's why you didn't sense them."  

"Low breed? I thought they only sent the elite." 

"They probably figured you knew that so they changed their tactics." Sarah stated. 

"We can't sleep here tonight." 

"We don't really have a choice because we aren't running. It's time to end this and them." 

After they disposed of the bodies, more sorcerers came, and they all died. Many Nick and I killed. There were low breds, shadow walkers, and elites. We killed every single one. 

I was tired now and the baby was restless. I knew this war wasn't over but I sensed a lot of the dark magic retreat. They'd be back though. 

Nick and I had showered and now we were lying in bed. 

"How are you feeling, Kitten?" 

"Tired and worried." 

"Worried? About what?" 

"The baby. He/She has been antsy since the fighting began. 

Nick leaned over and began to caress my rotund belly and the baby began to kick wildly. 

"He/She definitely knows their daddy." 

He moved his hand and the kicking stopped. 

"Definitely a daddy's child already." I giggled. 

"I hope it's a boy." Nick said. 


"I want to bond with my son like a father should. I want to be a better father to my children than my father ever was to me. I want to actually have a relationship with them." 

"You'll be a great father, Beasty. And I hope it's a boy too. I'm not prepared to have a little me running around here."

"Why do you say that?" 

"I'm stubborn, hardheaded, and mean. I'm not ready to have a stubborn, hard headed child. I'd be mad at myself for passing those traits down." 

Nick laughed at me. "Gosh, I love you." 

"I love you too. Now, let's sleep." 

We cuddled up with one another and fell into a deep slumber. 

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