Annalaishia's POV

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3 Months Later

"Annalaishia Cynnissa Bell!" Aunt Sarah came marching up to me.

I sighed. What the fuck did Nessa do now. It had been 3 months since she first appeared and the sneaky little witch is always doing something she ain't have no business doing. And when she does something she knows will get us in trouble she will wipe my memory.

"What did I do?"

"You mean what did Nessa do?"

"Nessa, Me, Amber, same thing." I deadpanned

"Don't get smart with me. You tell that little heifer to give me my damn spell book back." She pointed her finger in my face. I wanted to bite it off, she knows good and damn well i don't like for people to have their fingers all in my face.

"You think she stole your spell book?"

"I know she did. She's always doing shit she ain't got no business."

I felt Nessa making an appearance, I was trying to push her back but it was hard because she was strong. I guess Sarah noticed my inner turmoil because she said,

"Let the heifer take over, I wanna speak to her myself."

I stopped fighting it and let her take over.

"I didn't take your spell book, old woman."

"Oh yes you did and you better hand it over, because this old woman will whoop your young ass."

"I doubt that." I snorted.

Then an Excruciating pain began in my head, my ears began to ring and my nose began to bleed.

"Ever since you came along all types of bad shit has been happening around here. Now I don't know what the hell your problem is but if you keep fucking with me and my family, I will find a way to make you go dormant forever. Do you understand me, Girl?" Aunt Sarah barked.

I said nothing which made the pain grow worse.

"I said Do. You. Understand. Me?"

"Yes, Aunt Sarah."

"Now go get my damn spell book and put Anna back in charge of her body."

I obeyed. Even though I wanted to show her I was powerful enough to beat her, I couldn't, She was two times my age. Making her more experienced and knew more spells that I could ever imagine thus making her more powerful.

(Anna is now back in control)

Ever since Nessa appeared Nikolai has been more strict and so had Sarah. Denzel wants her gone. Yes, she helped get his children back but she threatened to take them away, making Denzel hate her. But Denzel and Elena have been getting along. It's strange but it's peaceful now other than Nessa causing trouble.

Nick was currently out helping the Mikaelsons with their family drama like usual. Freya, Haley, Rebecca and I have become very good friends. Freya helps me with my magic, while Haley and Rebecca teach me how to dominate in combat without my Sorceress.

Amber has grown a lot, she's no longer a pup but Nikolai continues to call her that and she still loves it.

Anyways, After Nessa gave Aunt Sarah her spell book back she hasn't spoken very much. Nessa usually talks my head off just to get on my nerves or piss me off. Nessa is very powerful but her arrogance and ignorance and belief that she can do what she wants when she wants is what gets her into trouble. Sometimes I wish she would've never shown up at all.

'You wish I would've stayed dormant?' I could hear the hurt in her tone of voice.

'If you didn't cause so much trouble, I would be happy you were active. But you just cause too much trouble.'

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