Elena POV

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This is Denzel's wife

"Where's dad, mama?" My 3 year old son asked

"I'm not sure, he should be home by now." I furrowed my brow. It's 6 pm and Denzel is usually here by 5. I was beginning to get worried, Denzel was never late for dinner.

"Well can we eat now? I'm hungry."

"Get a few fries, then sit. I'm going to check on your sister." I stood making my way upstairs. I walked into my 10 month old daughters room and Denzel was sitting in the rocking chair, not moving, not breathing.

I rushed over to him. "Denzel! Denzel! Wake up!" I shook him and shook him but I got no response. "Oh God!" I grabbed the phone and dialed the number to the pack hospital.

"Hi, this is Elena Bell, Denzel Bell's wife. I found him not responding and I'm not sure what to do..."  a sob erupted from my chest and my son ran into the room.

"Mommy, what's wrong?"

I ushered him out the door before he could see his father. "Go eat Eric. Everything's alright."

"Mam, we're sending a doctor and a pack ambulance over now. Just stay calm."

"Okay." I hung up the phone and walks over to my daughters crib picking her up. I walked downstairs to watch Eric and wait for the ambulance.

When the doctors got there they had no clue what was going on so they put him in a medically induced coma. I had been calling Annalaishia and I wasn't getting an answer.

I sighed and ran my hands through my straight hair. What if they declare him dead?? I don't know what I would do. Denzel is my world along with our children. If he dies so will I then where will that leave our children?


"Yes." I looked up from my sleeping children and I was faced with a handsome man. He looked to be around my age. He had hazel eyes, tan skin, broad shoulders, brown hair, nice lips, he had to be around 6'4 or 6'5. His stature screamed Alpha.

"I'm Nikolai Vincent, Annalaishia's mate, she's in the room with Denzel. I was wondering did you see what happened to him?"

"No. I was sitting downstairs at our house waiting for him to come home. He was an hour late so I decided to go check on our daughter, Mariah and he was slumped in the rocking chair, non responsive. I don't know what happened to him. I don't know what's going to become of him." Tears rolled down my cheeks as I looked back down at my children.

"What if he doesn't wake up? What will happen to me, my babies, Anna?" I sniffled.

"Everything is going to be okay." He patted my shoulder reassuring me.


"My God, Anna, what have you done?" Nikolai asked. His voice was strained as he looked over her limp body. Blood coming out of her nose and ears. I was shocked, I was in awe, I was happy that Denzel was awake but I was sad that Anna took whatever she had to heal him.

"Sarah why did you let her do such a thing?!" Nikolai roared.

"She'll be alright, Nikolai. Trust me. She'll be fine. It make take her awhile to come through but she's fine." She patted Nikolai's shoulder and walked over to Denzel.

"My sweet nephew, it's been so long." Sarah kissed his cheek.

Denzel looked confused as if he didn't know her or his sister or me.

"Denzel, it's me your wife." I cooed walked over to him. He looked at me confusion written all over his facial expression. The breath piece was still attached to his face and all the machines were hooked up to him, it was a sight to see and not a good one.

Nikolai had took Anna and left the room while I and Sarah stayed with Denzel.

"Alona and Don did a number on the poor boy. It's time that I train him and his sister, they won't survive if they don't know how to use their power."

"What power?" I asked.

"My dear, Denzel is so much more than an Alpha, he is a white sorcerer, the all powerful along with his sister. And the people that raised them want them dead. Anyways, I'm going to leave you with your husband for now. Try and jog his memory, I'll be back in the morning. Goodnight, Elena."

And with that she vanished. Strange woman she was but she sounded wise beyond her years.

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