Omniscient POV

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To say that Nikolai was upset was an understatement; he was beyond livid. He was on a rampage; his eyes glowed gold 95% of the time now and no one could calm him down.

"I want her found now!" He growled as he banged his fist against the granite table top. He had given Sarah and Cynnissa plenty of time to find his mate and they were moving too slow.

"Calm down, Nick. We're doing everything we can." His mother stated. She hated seeing him like this but she knew Anna was the only person that could calm him down.


Cynnissa and Sarah had been trying every spell in the grimoires to locate and communicate with Anna and none of them worked. Alona and Don had a very strong cloaking spell over Anna and they were not strong enough to break it.

"I know where she is!" Lorraine said as she busted through the doors of the great room.

"Finally!" Nick jumped up and walked over to her.

"Where, Lorraine?" Cynnissa asked.

"The place they have the most power, The Dark Realm."

"How did you figure it out?" Nick asked

"If you haven't figured it out yet by now, my son, then you never will."

Nick brushed off her statement. The only thing he was thinking about at the moment was getting to his mate. He need to see her and make sure she was okay. It had been a whole 34 days since he had last seen her and he didn't like her absence at all. Alona and Don was definitely going to pay for that.

Every hour in the dark realm was a day to that in the mundane.

"How do we get there?" Nick asked.

"We have to open a portal to that world."

"All of us can't go, so, I'll stay and hold the portal open." Sarah said. If sarah travelled with them she would not have enough power to get back.

"You can't hold that portal by yourself, Sarah. I will help you. We can channel power Edward and Nikolai's father."

Sarah nodded.

"What happens if Anna's child dies?" Denzel asked

"Don't say shit like that." Nick spat. He did not want to think about losing his child. He knew Anna would be devastated and he didn't want to see her fragile heart shattered.

"If that child dies, Alona and Don get what they want."

"Elena is staying here with the children."

"That's fine. Now can we please stop talking and get a move on helping my pregnant mate."

Cynnissa rolled her eyes at the impatient man but she understood his frustration. If she lost Edward, she would be in an extremely foul mood too. Nick wanted Anna safe and in his arms. Nick went centuries without his mate and he wouldn't go without her anymore.

Lorraine watched Nick, she knew that if he and Anna lost that child they would never be the same. She knew Alona and Don wanted that child the day Nick's Sperm met Anna's egg. She would not lose a daughter in law or a grandchild. She was going to do everything in her power to make sure Anna and that child were okay. Lorraine might have been in her mortal body but when she reverted back to her goddess body, she would unleash hell on Alona and Don. (A/N: I do not remember the name of the goddess I used for Nick's blood mother. I think it Aphrodite but I'm not sure and if it's not what it was earlier in the story then her new name is Aphrodite. Also Lorraine is the name she's been using around them because she doesn't want them to know who she is but obviously she does plan on revealing herself to them soon.)

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