Annalaishia's POV

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I was getting ready for dinner with Nick when I realized the only clothes I had were the ones I was wearing earlier. I didn't have any panties, bras, socks, clothes, shoes, feminine products, or hair products. So I was sitting on the bed in my hotel room with a towel wrapped around me when a knock came from the door that connected Nick's room to mine. I stood and walked over to the door. I opened it enough to poke my head out.

"Are you not dressed?" he asked. He looked very handsome in his peach button down and dark brown slacks.

"Um, well I don't exactly have any clothes. Remember?" I tilted my head down so that he wouldn't notice me blush.

"Oh yeah. Thats right. I apologise that slipped my mind." he looked down at his button down and then began to unbutton it.

"Wait, what are you doing?" I asked panicking a little.

"I'm going to give you my shirt to put on."

"Okay." He took the shirt off and handed it to me.

"Come to my room when you have it on."

"Okay." I closed the door and dressed myself in his shirt. It smelled like Vanilla and tree bark, it smelled manly and yummy.

I opened the door and walked into his room. He looked up at me and smiled.

"My clothes look better on you, mate."

The fact that I had on no panties and no bra was making this very awkward. I knew he wouldn't be able to see anything because his shirt practically swallowed me whole but still. On top of that I was cold making my nipples hard and I'm very sure he noticed.

"Um thank you, I think." I looked away from him and spotted the office chair. I walked over to it and plopped down.

"I'll take you shopping for clothes in the morning and our date will be room service and a movie here in the room. Is that alright with you?" he asked.

"That's fine. I am a little hungry."

"Alright. What would you like?"

"Can I have baked tilapia with corn and a roll?"

"What to drink?"

"A water."

He nodded his head and made his way over to the phone. I busied myself with drawing on pad of paper he had on the desk I was sitting beside.

A few minutes later I looked up from the paper I was drawing on and I was sitting beside Nick.

I furrowed my brow, what the hell?

"How did I get over here?" I was very confused.

"Amber." Was all he stated. She was gaining control of my limbs when I was supposed to be in control.


"She wanted to be next to me. It's the pull, Anna." He leaned in a kissed my forehead making Amber purr in satisfaction.

"I don't like that."

"What exactly don't you like?"

"Amber wanting to be near you all the time."

"I know but its my lycan and your lycan wanting to be around one another. They're already in love. Where as you and I are working on it."

"But I thought mates were in love from the beginning?"

"That's not always the case. A lot of mates are in love with each other from the day they meet then you have some who fall in love as time goes on."

"What if we don't fall in love?" I asked. Amber whimpered at the thought.

"We'd reject each other.Do you not want to fall in love?" He asked sounding hurt.

"I'm afraid. I don't want to lose myself. I don't want to be so in love with you that I don't remember who I am. And with all your rules I feel like I'm not able to be myself."

"Anna, my rules aren't meant to keep you from being or expressing yourself, they're meant to protect you. And as i've said I'm dominant, I like to be in charge and I like things to be done a certain way. I apologize if I make you feel like you can't be yourself. I'll do better." he grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles. Then a knock came to the door.

"Room service."

Nikolai answered the door and a slender man walked in with a big tray. Nikolai was watching the man with intensity, I could tell he wasn't comfortable with this man being in here. The mans eyes met mine and I flinched back. He was scary looking, his eyes were dark almost black, his nails were long, he was tall, and pale.

"Anything else, Mr.Vincent?"

"No you are dismissed." Nick said coldly.

The man smirked and nodded. Once he was gone Nick checked the food.

"What was he?" I asked. I knew he wasn't a Lycan, his scent was far different from Nicks.

"Vampire. He wasn't a true blood either."

"A true blood?" I furrowed my brow. I had a lot of shit to learn.

"He was bitten. He wasn't born a vampire." He handed me my plate, my eyes lit up, and my stomach growled. The food looked and smelled divine.

"So do vampires and werewolves really have an everlasting feud?"

He smiled. "No, don't believe everything you see on television. Turned vampires are what werewolves have a problem with."

"Why?" I took a spoon full of corn and put it in my mouth.

"Turned Vampires are usually wild and most are untamable. During the change the venom messes with their brain making them psychotic."

"So can we turn people?"

"No. My mother tried to inject my brother with my venom to change him and it killed him."

"Wait, isn't your mother a Lycan?"

"No, she's a Demi-God."

He then proceeded to tell me what his father told him earlier.

"So should we mate earlier so we can take out Alona and Don?"

"We will mate when you're ready, Anna. I'm not going to rush this. I've waited 1,000 plus years, I can wait a little while longer."

"Thank you, Nick."

"For?" he looked at me with a confused expression written on his face.

"For being the amazing man you are. We haven't known each other very long, just a few days to be specific, but you've had my best interest at heart and I appreciate that a lot. " I leaned in and kissed his cheek and I'm pretty sure he blushed.

"Anything for you, Anna."


A/N: Next chapter will be longer. This was a quick write, I will go back and make corrections eventually. Been dealing with a lot of homework lately.

Peace and Love.

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