Annalaishia's POV

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I opened my eyes and there was my Big Beasty rubbing my belly and whispering sweet nothings.

"I'm ready for you to wake up, pup. You're looking better and your belly is getting big. I bet you're ready for mommy to wake up too. Aren't you, little wolf?" He said kissing my belly

"Well, you got your wish."

Nick darted up at the sound of my voice. He looked me over carefully.

"Finally." He leaned in and pressed his luscious lips to my dry cracked ones.

"Miss me?" I asked when he pulled away.

"I missed you more than I can explain. How do you feel?"

"Better. I definitely want to get out of this bed. I feel like I've been laying here for ages."

"You were out for about 2 and a half weeks. Possibly longer. I haven't really kept up with the days. But even now you aren't fully healed. All of that shit they injected you with hasn't completely left your system."

"How many months am I?" I asked placing my hand over my round belly.

"3 months."

"What?! No way!"

"Yes way. You were gone for a month and a week. So when we found you, you were 2 months and a half. Since you've been out 2 and a half weeks, you're really a little over 3 months."

"I felt like I was only there a few hours, long hours."

"You felt that way because an hour there was a day here."

"Where are those assholes anyways?"

"Your mom locked them in a magic deficient dungeon. And cloaked them. They will only be revealed when you're fully healed and ready to put them out of their misery."

"They said I killed Naomi. Is that true?"

"Yes, but I'll tell you about that later. Let's get you in the tub and dressed so everyone can see you." Nick carefully picked me up bridal style, making sure not to touch the wounds on my back.

When he placed me in the warm water I hissed at the pain. The gashes weren't fully healed and the warm water only reminded me that they were there.

Nick watched as I bathed myself. He didn't look at me with lust but with love and admiration. When I was finished, Nick helped me dry off and back to the bedroom.

To say I didn't have much strength would be an understatement, I was completely weak. But I wanted to get out of this bedroom and mingle with my family, our family.

"Are you sure you want to go downstairs?" He asked with concern.

"I am. Now help me get dressed, please." I gave him a faint smile.

He helped me into my sweatpants and t-shirt. He put a pair of fuzzy socks on my feet and then put my messy hair up in a bun for me. My hair looked like a birds nest; dry, brittle, and ugly.

When we made it down into the great room, my father immediately jumped up and rushed over to me along with my mother. She was still pregnant and she looked like she was ready to pop. She probably was.

"How are you feeling, dear?" My mom asked.

"I'm okay. Where is everyone?"

"Nicks Mother and Father had to go back to England. Denzel and Elena took the children out into the garden. Sarah is in her room, she's worn out. It's taking her a lot longer to regain her strength than usual."

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