Annalaishia's POV

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"Auntie, wake up!!!! It's Christmas!" Eric Jumped up and down like the energizer bunny on my bed waking me up from my very peaceful slumber.

"Little Eric, where are your mommy and daddy?" I groaned as I turned over onto my back and looked up at him.

"They're downstairs, they told me to come and wake you up."

"Alright, well I'm up. Go tell your parents I'll be down in a few minutes."

"Otay." He jumped off the bed and ran out.

I sighed and looked at the digital clock on my nightstand. It read 6:30 A.M.

"Opening gifts at 6 in the morning? You've got to be kidding me."

I pushed the covers off of my body and got out off bed making my way to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face.

When I got downstairs into the Great Room I saw Lorraine and Aunt Sarah passing gifts to Little Eric and his Baby sister Mariah. While Denzel and Elena were snuggled up on the couch.

"Where is Nick and his parents?" I asked noticing they weren't here with the rest of us.

"Nick had some business to handle and his parents are still sleeping."

"Oh okay." So they can sleep but I can't?

That's some bullshit.

I sat on the floor Kriss Cross applesauce and watched the babies open their gifts. I didn't get anyone anything because I had forgotten. I was so busy training and planing for the Meet and Greet ball that I forgot about Christmas gifts. But I'll make it up to everyone later.

"Anna, are you alright?" Lorraine came and sat beside me.

"I'm fine." I looked at her and gave her a slight smile.

"Maybe this will brighten your morning." She passed me a cup of coffee and two cheese danishes. How she knew that I liked danishes I will never know.... "that's not all I have to give you." Then she pulled this sapphire amulet from her robe pocket. "This will protect you for harm, wear it at all times. It will also amplify your power, not that you need the amplification, your strong enough as it is but this is my gift to you, my dear."

"Thank you so much. I feel so bad for not getting anyone anything."

"You don't have to give me anything, you've given me enough." Then she got up and walked away.

I'd given her enough?....

I made my way into the kitchen with Aunt Sarah.

"You coming to help an old woman cook?!" She asked.

"Yes, I'll help. What are we making?"

"I'm making a bunch of soul food then Nicks mother will be making some Greek dishes. Later Lorraine will make dessert. Elena isn't cooking she's going to spend time with the babies."

"Okay. Sounds good as long as you making some neck bones and greens with the meal."

Aunt Sarah made some amazing Neck bones. They are bone sucking good.

"Oh girl, hush. Go get started on the potato salad."

I grabbed the potatoes and began to peel them. After I had cut them in half, I placed them in a pot with boiling water and let them be.

"Sweet Potato pie??" I asked


"You making it?"

"I am."

"Okay, Good. Cause you know I don't eat just anybody's sweet potato pie." [A/N: I really don't eat just anyone's sweet potato pie. If it wasn't made by my grandma then it isn't going anywhere near my mouth. Cause you know everybody can't cook.]

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