Nikolai's POV

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Annalaishia (Yaya Dacosta)

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Annalaishia (Yaya Dacosta)

Nikolai (Theo Theodoridis) 

I changed Annalaishia because Yaya fit my idea of Anna. Theo has always been Nikolai so Nick hasn't changed. I also got lucky with the pregnancy picture!

Nikolai's POV 

Every time I thought things were getting better I ended up being wrong. Anna was fine then all of a sudden she just fainted. Sarah and Cynnissa glanced into her mind only to see her unlocking her memories. 

We all knew when Annalaishia awakened she would be different. Ekon could sense it, her dominance was seeping through every single pore of her body. I couldn't wait to see those Amber, Ivory mixed eyes when she awakened. I know when she opens those beautiful orbs of hers they will no longer be brown and her innocence will more than likely be shot to hell. 

Sarah, Cynnissa, and Edward worried about that but I didn't because I knew Anna would more than likely go back to normal when the threat to her family was gone. 

She hadn't moved since she'd passed out and she had locked Sarah and Cynnissa out of her mind. There was no trace of dark magic so that meant Alona and Don weren't behind her sudden unlocking of memories. But her body was allowing her memories to come back to her freely meaning she was unlocking them herself but didn't mean to or something unlocked them for her. 

I was excited to see her open her eyes, I was excited to see what she would say, and how she would act. 

"Has she awakened yet, Nick?" Diane asked. 


"Is it possible that the baby is unlocking her memories?" 

"I don't know. Find Aphrodite and ask her, she should know." 

"I can see you've vowed not to leave her side until she awakens." 

"You know it. Now please go get the information we seek." 

Ten minutes later Aphrodite walked into the room with Diane following. 

"What's going on?" she asked looking over at Annalaishia. 

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