Annalaishia POV

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Not only am I able to gain control of Amber when I want to but I can now change my eye color to Ambers when I want to. So, no that wasn't Amber sitting in Nicks lap this morning. Well it was at first but around in the middle of our dialogue I was back in control. I heard Nick last night standing up for me when that Vampire came for me. Nick was my security and he keeps me safe because he loves me. So why not give this mate thing a chance without any restraints. So when I woke up this morning I decided to let myself fall in love with him and not fight it. He was doing so much for me so I could definitely do this for him.

We were walking around the outlet mall buying my clothes and I noticed Nick kept glancing at Victoria's Secret.

"Do you want to go in with me?" I asked pointing at VS.

His eyes got big and his cheeks got rosy. "Um I think I will wait out here, Moro. Go in and get whatever you want. Here's my card." he passed me the card and looked away.

"Nick, come in with me."

'Bold move, Anna. Too Bold! You know good and damn well this man isn't going to see you in your undergarments or naked anytime soon!' My conscious scolded me.

'I gotta keep him on his toes!' I thought.

"Um I don't think that's a good idea."

"Fine. Suit yourself." I shrugged and walked into the store.

As soon as I walked into Victoria Secret I was in awe. So many choices. I had only had about a hand full of VS panties back home and no bras. Lets just say I'm the most frugal woman you will ever meet. I'm not an expensive person at all.

After the lady measured my breast for a bra I learned that I was a 34 DD. I kept 5 of the 7 bras the lady let me try on and brought several pairs of panties, mostly boyshorts and cheekies.

I walked out of the store and walked over to the bench Nick was sitting on.

"Finished?" he asked


"That bag is a little small, Anna. How many pairs of panties and bras?"

"15 panties and 5 bras. That's all I need for now."


"What?" I looked up at him confused.

"Go buy more, Anna."

"That's too much money, Nick."

He rolled his eyes then stood grabbing my hand and dragging me back into VS.

"How may I help you?"

"Bring me every..... What type of panties do you like most?" he asked turning to me.

"Boyshorts and Cheekies."

"Bring me every color of those kinds of panties in a medium and bras as well in a 34 DD. Thank you."

"You're spending too much, Nick."


"Don't you shush me." I glared at him with my hands on my hips. He looked at me with amusement in his eyes. Smug Bastard.

"Anna." He growled.


"Anna, Please." he sighed. He seemed frustrated but I'm not surprised. We have been shopping for about 4 hours. The lady walked back with everything he asked for. She rung it up and he paid. He grabbed the big bag and led me out of the store.

"Now hair products." I smiled.

"I'll take you to a hair supply store later."


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