Omniscient POV

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Anna and Nick woke up to a knock sounding at the palace door. Neither of them wanted to budge from their spots. Laying on a blanket on the Great Room floor, naked. Anna was laying on top of Nikolai's bare chest with his arm thrown across her lower back. Another knock came from the door.

"Beasty..." Anna groaned.

"Hmm?" Nick grunted turning his head toward her but keeping his eyes shut.

"Someone is at the door."

"They'll go away."

"What if it's our family?"

Nick sighed opening his eyes looking down at anna who was now looking up at him. He tapped her bare bottom, signalling for her to get up. She slid off of him and grabbed his button up shirt he was wearing last night. She slipped it on along with her shorts, she'd look for panties later. Nick stood up and put on his boxers and jeans and walked out of the great room and to the door. He swung the door open and there stood anna's family and Nick's Mother and Father.

"Why are you here so early?" Nick stated rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Sarah and his mother smirked taking in his disheveled appearance. He smelled like Anna and he wore her mark.

"Son, it's 12 in the afternoon."

"Really?" Nikolai's eyes widened, he hadn't realized they had slept that long. He and Anna did have sex quite a few times last night though.

"Yes, now are you going to let us in?"

Nick stepped to the side letting them in. He closed the door and led them into the Great Room. Anna had cleaned everything up and sprayed air freshener to get rid of the sex smell but it didn't work. They could still smell the couples love making.

"Where is Annalaishia?" his mother asked.

"She may have gone upstairs. I'll go get her." Nick excused himself and went to go search for his mate.

Sarah looked over at Nikolai's mother and smiled.

"Finally." They said simultaneously

Denzel and Elena were in their own little world with their children.

Nick's father was somewhat a little sour still because his son was mated to a Black. He had hoped his son would have been fated to someone more like him and of his caliber not someone like Anna. But there was nothing he could do, they were made for each other, they had mated and pups would soon follow.


"Oh Eddie! They finally mated!" Cynnissa exclaimed.

"I didn't wanna know that." Edward scrunched up his nose. He didn't wanna know that his only daughter had lost her virginity. It was just too much information for him.

"Oh I know. But they've sealed the deal and with as many rounds they did, they'll have pups in no time!" She said excitedly.

"Grandparents before we even got to be parents."

"Oh Shut up, debby downer! This is our chance to make up for lost time. We already have 2 beautiful grandbabies and soon we will have more. Be excited!"

"I am on the inside." Edward stated with a straight face. Truly he was hurt on the inside, he didn't exactly get to see his kids grow up first hand and now they had their own families. He would've love to have been able to be the father to them that they deserved and needed. He knew his wife felt the same way deep down inside but she always remained positive. She was the only reason he kept going everyday.

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