Omniscient POV

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"I'm getting scared, Eddie." Cynnissa said looking down at her round belly.

"You don't need to be. Anna, is going to get us out of here and then we're going to fight Alona and Don as a family, well that's if the baby drops as soon as we're out of this place." Edward sighed. They were tired of looking at the same things and knowing what would happen when it would happen. This imaginary world they were in was frozen in time as it had always been. Nobody aged including the fetus that was in Cynnissa's womb for the past 497 years. This child would be a year behind Annalaishia if it had been born before they had been trapped in this world. 

"What if the baby isn't alive anymore? What if it's been dead for the 400+ years we've been stuck here?I haven't felt him/her move in quite some time, maybe years. I've lost track of time." 

"Or maybe he/she is asleep and have been for years." Edward suggested. 

"Maybe." Cynnissa turned back toward the tower window. She wanted to reach out to her daughter again but she was afraid that with the way Alona invaded Anna's mind the last time she would invade it again. Cynnissa visiting her daughter in her dreams gave an opening to Alona. An opening to Annalaishia's mind and Cynnissa's as well but apparently Alona didn't know how to utilize that yet because if she did, she would've used that opening to attack Cynnissa and Edward the first time she visited Anna. 

"We need to destroy this place when we leave." 

"We don't know how to do that. We don't even remember how we summoned this place and got trapped."  

"We need to figure it out and soon because as soon as Nikolai and Anna mate, they will be all powerful and will be able to summon this place without knowing it." 

"I know. And Nikolai's mother just visited him the other night. She thinks that they need to mate soon. And I have a feeling they will." 


Anna was livid, Nick had brought her and Sarah to Tennessee only to leave them there and run off to New Orleans. Rebecca, Haley, Elijah, Finn, and Freya left along with him. 

"Oh cheer up, Honey. They'll be back in no time. And don't be mad at your friends be mad at the trouble maker, Niklaus." 

"Oh, Aunt Sarah, you have no clue how much I wanna rip him a new asshole. Especially for daggering Rebecca. I mean who does that to their own sister?!" Annalaishia scoffed. 

"Well, Anna, there is a lot about the Mikaelson family you don't know. That bit of information tells why they are the troubled bunch that they are." Sarah explained. 

"Well I don't care. It doesn't give them the right to be assholes to one another. They are the only family they all have. They should be thankful. Not everyone has the privilege of growing up with a family who truly cares." 

"That is true. But they made a pact. Always and Forever. Now that pact haunts them for life but they still live up to it in their own jacked up way. They have more loyalty to each other than most." 

"What about Marcellus? Wasn't he once considered a Mikaelson?"

"Yes, but they crossed him one too many times and now they have to reap what they sow. After they killed Davina Claire, Marcellus turned his backs on them. Davina was like his daughter and they killed her to save their own. The Mikaelsons always save their own. Even though Niklaus truly had nothing to do with Davina's death, Marcellus still blames the entire Mikaelson family. Imagine if someone took little  Eric from you? You've taken a part in raising him too and protecting him, and if someone took him from you forever you would want revenge. Would you not?"

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