Omniscent POV

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"Please wake up! Please! Please!" Anna cried out. But she gained no response. Annaliashia's world has officially shattered to pieces.

She was supposed to be here when they defeated the dark sorcerers, to celebrate with them, to see Anna's child born, but now she would never get to experience that.

Although Anna had only known her Aunt a few months, Sarah had meant the world to her.

Cynnissa was put into a magical coma, her world had shattered too. She had just gotten her sister back and now she was gone, forever. Cynnissa has gone completely rogue when she saw Sarah laying lifeless. Edward had no choice but to put her in a magically induced coma.

Nick was mute. He couldn't fathom that the strong woman who had gave him heaps of advice was gone. He loved Sarah like she was he own Aunt, she was sweet, funny, and caring.

Anna let out an immense scream and the entire world slowed. That scream mixed with rage, grief, and pain shook the whole world and every realm felt the aftershock.

Sarah didn't die peacefully, she died in battle. A dark sorcerers sword had pierced her heart. Edward saw it and tore the man to shreds for harming his sister in law. Edward begged him to let him heal her but she refused.

"Please, Sarah, let me heal you. We need you. Not in battle but just to keep the family together." A tear ran down Edwards cheek and Sarah lifted a shaking hand to wipe it away.

"You all got it. It's time for me to return to the light, with ma and pa. I love you all and tell the others it was my decision not to be healed."

Edward shook his head with tears running down his cheeks. Sarah was his sister and he didn't want to see her die.

He attempted a healing spell but Sarah had used the rest of her magic to form a protective barrier around her body. No magic would ever be able to pierce through it. It would surround her body forever so nobody could bring her back.

Flashback over.

"I want to go to the dark realm." Anna stated in a monotone voice.

"Anna, let's take time to morn."

"NO! I WANT TO GO NOW! It's time to end this once and for all." She grabbed Nikolai's hand and led him to the side.

"I have a plan and I may need to channel you to help me."

Anna and Nick were now at the Capital of the Dark Realm. It was unguarded.

'Fools' Anna thought. She was going to destroy their entire source of magic.

See Dark and Light sorcerers had a source of magic that they could pull from but they could only pull so much which is why they used spells and other ways to amplify their power.

The dark sorcerers would never be able to leave this world if they were here and those who were in the mundane would never be able to come back here once this stone was destroyed.

Anna began to him as the magic flowed through her body. Light emitting from her dainty palms. She pushed it though the dark crystals that held the magic of the Dark Realm.

Nikolai watched as she began to channel his power by linking one of her hands through his, the beams of light becoming stronger each moment. The dark Crystals began to crack and the dark vapor began to spill out of them. Soon they burst open completely and she could see the dark vapors of magic evaporating.

The dark sorcerers failed to protect their home. They left their source of magic unattended, giving her an easy win. Now they held no magic, no hope.

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