Annalaishia's POV

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Again like clockwork Aunt Sarah and I were left here. Even after the lecture I gave him last night. I grabbed the map out of Nikolai's home office and began the locator spell in my room. Luckily, Aunt Sarah was still asleep. 

I poured the ash in the middle of the map and began to chant the spell. The ashes began to move along the map then setting in the French Quarter. 

I slipped on my Nike Free Runs and my jacket. I slipped out of my bedroom and down the stairs of the house then made my way outside to the black suburban that was left here.  I went to turn the key that I thought would be in the ignition only to get nothing. 

No matter, I'll just get Nessa to start it. 



'I need your help again.'

'With starting the car right?' 



'Stop asking questions and just do it. Please.'

'Fine, but when Nikolai locks us in the basement for your disobedience don't call on me then.' I could feel her annoyance. 

'Whatever.' I rolled my eyes. 

The engine roared to life and I did a little dance in my seat. I drove out of the driveway and onto the highway into all the traffic. I made sure to read the map carefully. 

When I pulled into the quarter, all eyes were on me. I got out and walked straight up to Marcellus, who was extremely surprised to see me and more importantly he was afraid. I could smell his fear. 

"What can I help you with, Annalaishia?"

"Where is Niklaus?" 

"I'm supposed to know that." He raised a brow. 

"It's a yes or no question, Marcel." 

"I haven't seen Niklaus since the last time you were here." 

"The locator spell sent me here, meaning he's around here somewhere." 

"Well maybe you did something wrong because I assure you there are no Mikaelson's around here." 

"Right. I guess I'll leave then." I turned on my heel walking back to the car.

There was a large man standing beside the driver's side door. My intentions was to fight him off but he turned and faced me. 

"Nick!" i exclaimed

"What the hell are you doing here in New Orleans, Anna? By yourself?" 

"I came to help you." That wasn't completely true. I had come to find Niklaus so that I could lock him in a cell. 

"Why are you so dead set on having things your way? You know you talk about Niklaus being a troublemaker because he's disobedient and he likes to have his way but you are damn near the same as he is! You continuously put yourself in danger." he spat.

"I just wanted you home more. That's all." I whispered looking at him with wide eyes. 

"I know, baby, but I want you safe. The Mikaelsons including Niklaus can help me keep you safe, Anna. I would die if anything happened to you." 

"I'm sorry. I just want you around more." I was on the verge of tears. I just wanted to spend some much needed time with Nick.  

Nick pulled me to him and then I felt his body shift. I looked up and his face was replaced with Dons. A sinister smirk played across his lips as I attempted to jerk away from him but his grip was too strong.

"Oh no, no, no, my dear adopted daughter. You're coming with me." He pulled me and shoved me into the back of the SUV. 

I looked around frantically for something to hit him with but there was nothing. I was too panicked to use my magic also Nessa was beginning to cower to the back of my mind. She was afraid they would take over her again. Then I felt my rage surfacing along with Amber's. I was surprised because Amber was sweet and timid. Nessa was the one who was more bold and irate. 

I could feel my bones beginning shift, they cracked loudly, my breathing became labored, sweat beads began to form on my forehead, and my heartbeat became rapid. 

I looked at my eyes in the rearview mirror and they were completely black, not Amber's original amber colored orbs.

'I'll handle this.' Amber growled. 

'Anna' a voice whispered in my head. 

'Nessa?' I questioned. 

'No, it's your mother.'

'You chose a wonderful time to wanna talk.' I said sarcastically. 

'Look, Don, Is the King of Dark magic. Watch it. Don't show fear, he can smell it." 

'Amber is going to help me escape him.' 

'Amber and Nessa need to work together in order for you to get away from him.'

Don finally slid into the vehicle and looked back at me but froze taking in my appearance. I licked my lips and gave him a wolfish grin. I felt Nessa rise in me as well. Her and Amber were beside each other in my mind and they were ready for battle. 

"Cat got your tongue, papa." I snarled

He opened his mouth to speak then closed it back. He raised his hand and gritted his teeth. I felt the blood vessels in my brain begin to burn and pop. I roared and grabbed my head. He held up a tranquilizer needle in his other hand. 

Nessa acted quickly creating a magical barrier, protecting me from his magic. I lifted my head and looked at him with a smirk. His eyes went wide with realization that his magic was no longer working. He tried to quickly jab the needle into my neck but I caught his arm in mid air, squeezing until his bones broke under my strength. He let out a horrid scream and I chuckled. The thrill and satisfaction I got out of hurting him was amazing and I knew it would feel even more amazing when I hurt Alona. 

I snatched the needle out of his broken hand and jabbed into his neck and he fell unconscious. 

'Nice work, ladies.' I smiled shifting back into human form. 

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