1 ( Christmas ❤! )

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• Brandy, Odell , Rachel , Spot In Multimedia •

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● | Brandy's Pov .. | ●

" Mommy , Daddy wake up it's Christmas! " The kids jumped on the bed. I woke up and Harmony and Jayden was jumping in the bed.

" Shh , Laina is sleeping guys. " I said. They laughed and got down running out. Odell sat up sighing and rubbing his stomach.

"GoodMorning." He said and kissed my lips grinning. "GoodMorning baby." I said. We both smiled.

"Ready to open some presents?" He asked. I sighed. "Sadly, Yeah. Lemme go wake Laina up." We both got out of the bed. I put my robe on, and walkes to A'Laina's room. I opened the door and she was laying down. But soon as I walked in, her head popped up fast. I laughed.

"GoodMorning Babygirl. Merry First Christmas mommy." I said picking her up and kissed her cheeks. She rubbed her eyes and laid her head down on my chest.

A'Laina is 4 months getting bigger by the day!

Needs to slow down, Big Time!

Looking like Odell.

I put her pacifer in her mouth and laid her down on her back. "Diaper change." I said.

• • • •

I went downstairs and everyone was eating breakfast. "Y'all could've said what y'all wanted to eat, I could've made it." I said and put Laina in her high chair. She looked around and sucked on her pacifier.

"What?" They all said in an union and I laughed grabbing a bowl.

"Yup. To late now, pass me the cereal," I said.

"Man! Next twime don't listen to daddy." Jayden said and Harmony and I laughed. "Hey!" Odell said. We all laughed then.

"Mommy, hurry and eat so we can open our presents Santa brought us!" Harmony said. I nodded and sat down eating. Odell fed A'Laina her bottle.

• • • •

"Alright, you guys ready? First present. One...Two...Three..Go!" I pressed record and the kids started ripping their first gift open.

Odell was carrying Laina while watching. Laina was teething on her new teething toy my mom brought.

I think she has like 4.

"A BARBIE! YAY!" Harmony screamed. I laughed.

"Cars!" Jayden said.

"Thanks." They said.

● | Odell's Pov | ●

See this here, this is what I love to see.

My family all smiling and happy. I have my baby girl which a wonderful Christmas present, and I got my family back which is another wonderful Christmas present.

Couldn't ask for anything more or less.

After the kids opened their gifts. Which they had about 10. About 4 from us, and the rest from family.

But yeah, after, they went out to the backyard and played with their toys.

I put A'Laina sitting chair and turned on the TV. I quickly ran upstairs. "Baby where you going?" Brandy said.

"Be right back babe." I ran inside my walk in closet, and grabbed the box.

This morning, I'm gonna ask Brandy to be my wife.

The Best Christmas present for a woman. She deserves it anyway.

I ran back downstairs, and Brandy was opening the door. "I thought someone knocked." She laughed. I sat down.

"Baby, come here." I said patting the seat next to me. She sat.

"Baby I'm glad I have you guys back. Its the beat present ever. And I'm sure this will be to. For you and me." I said and got on one knee. Brandy gasped covering her mouth. "Odell.." She said.

I pulled the red box out and revealed my the $4.3 million dollar ring. Many carrots in it.

"I don't really have much to say, because I already show it. But, Brandy I'm so glad to have you in my life. We've been through so many shit and look at us, still strong. Been through our ups and downs, had 3 kids together. Beautiful kids at that. And I dont want to ask for any more. Baby all I'm trying to ask is...Will you make me the happiest man today for Christmas and be my wife?"

● | Brandy's Pov | ●

I didn't even try to hesitate. Tears were rolling my eyes, my legs were shaking. "Yes Yes Yes!" I yelled. He smiled and slid the ring on my finger. I grabbed his face and kissed his sweet lips.

"I love you so much " He said. "I love you too Odell. So much." She said. He pulled away and i smiled admiring the ring.

"Omg, How much was it?" I sniffed wiping my eyes. "About $4.3 million baby. All real." I laughed.

"Damn, I can't ask for anything more. Oh! I got you something to baby." I smiled. He smiled back.

"Ouu, girl what you got daddy?" He said. I walked to the office real quick and grabbed the boxes.

I walked back in the living room and handed them to him. He looked at it and the at me. "What's in here?" I shrugged.

"I don't know, Open it and find out," I smirked and glanced at A'Laina who was still watchin TV and playing. I looked back and the kids were on the playground.

"OH SHIT!" He yelled. He smiled pulling the New Jordans out. "Baby you didn't!" He said and Kissed me. "Open the other one." I said.

The other gift was a gold necklace. Not one of those fake ass regular necklace that those wanna be ass pimps. I got him a real nice one. One that a celebrity would wear. "Damn ma, this shit dope." He said and tried it on.

"I had to give you something baby." I kissed his cheek. I picked Laina up out her seating seat and sat on Odell's lap while Laina sat on me.

She played with my robe tie.

"Wanna another kid?" Odell asked. I looked at him with a glare.

"Just playing ma, chill. I'm done with kids." I loooed at A'Laina. "Good, because I wasn't excepting this one to come." I said. He  laughed and kissed me and a played with the kids all morning .

We didn't go out, didn't call anyone, didn't do anything but spend quality family time together.

My favortie thing to do.


Single Mother 2 ~ ODELL BJ | DONE |Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora