53 ( Kidnapping )

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~ The Next Day .. ~

• | MARCUS | •

"Yo my girl trippin because I'm gone more than a day and my kid missing me. We need to get Brandy and dip out because if you don't get her by tonight , I'm getting on the plane myself and leaving y'all down here. I got a family at home. They need me Mar." Logan said. I sighed and nodded understanding.

Logan is my boy. I know he got a family and I know they need him but I need him to be here with me. I guess we'll have to make a move tonight.

"Ight bro I know. We'll make the love tonight." I said and Samantha looked at me. "Tonight? But I got -"

"Samantha we don't have time for the fucking play time! Look , I'll leave her your ass here if you want." She kept quiet nd I sighed taking off my shirt.

I need to get Brandy tonight and get rid of Odell.

• | ODELL | •

I grabbed my shoes putting them in the closet.

" Daddy? " I heard Harmony's little voice.

" Yeah baby girl?! "

" Can you com play with me, Jay, and Laina? " I nodded. " Yeah baby , what's the game? " She ran up to me and poked my leg.

"YOUR IT!" She yelled them screamed running out.

I laughed to myself turning off the light and ran out the room. "Run , Daddy's it! " I heard Harmony say and I ran downstairs.

This is the best time. Spending time with my kids. I want to do nothing else but he here with them.

" Ahh where's those kids?! " I said and they screamed again running outside. Brandy was in the kitchen talking on the phone with her mother I'm guessing.

" Runn! " The kids said.

I love my kids so much.

• | BRANDY | •

Today, I am cooking Chicken Alfredo, baked spaghetti, corn bread, and baked fish.

I love Chicken Alfredo so much.

Anyways, I put the baked fish in the oven and so I jus decided to start the cornbread since It won't really take that long. I opened the bah and only realized I had one box.

"Dammit." I said. I forgot to get the other box. I sighed grabbing my phone, wallet, and the keys and went out back seeing Odell running behind the kids.

"HEY!!" I yelled. They all stopped and looked at me. "Mamee!" A'Laina said and she ran to me. She looked like a little penguin. 

I smiled and picked her up. "Hi mommy!!" I said and kissed her.

"I'm going to the store , ima take her with me." He nodded and him and Jayden and Harmony continued playing.

"Alright , Laina let's go." I put her on my hip and walked to the door leaving the house.

~ Grocery Store 🍗 ~

I put Laina in the buggy and she played on her leap frog.

"Okay , we won't be long here." I said pushing the buggy inside. 

"Brandy Martinez! Your so beautiful. Do you mind taking a picture with me?" A older man said. I nodded and he stood next to us and we took a quick photo.

"Thank you so much. And she's so precious. No more huh?" He asked. You can tell he was gay.

"Oh , no. No more for me." I said and we both laughed. Laina looked up at the guy then back at her game.

Single Mother 2 ~ ODELL BJ | DONE |Where stories live. Discover now