37 ( Telling Odell )

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- A Month Later .. -

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• | Brandy | •

Today, I am going over to Odell's house for a little..talk.

Little talk as in telling him the whole...baby thing.

•  •

This has been stressing me so much, I haven't been had the kids in 2 Weeks. I feel guilty and I'm just nervous to even have them around. Who knows if I can say something to hurt their little feelings. And I don't want to.

Marcus and I are stil close friends and he continues to live in the house.

He talked me in telling Odell early and I don't know what to except. I know he gonna upset at me though. 

•  •

We knocked on the door and Odell opened it. He looked at Marcus and they had a stare off for a bit and then he looked at me with an unwelcoming look.

"H-Hi ," I spoke. He shook his head stepping to the side.

"Kids , Mommy is here." The kids came downstairs and Harmony was holding Laina as she carefully walked downstairs.

"Mama!" Jayden ran into my arms and I kissed his cheeks.

"Mama , I miss you!"

"I miss you too buddy," I said. He then hugged Marcus.

"Mameee!" Laina said. I smiled picking her up and Marcus picked Harmony up.

"Kids , go in the truck with Marcus let me and daddy talk for a minute." They went back to the car wirh Marcus. It was just Odell and i.

My nerves started to wreck tremendously. I folllwed him inside closing the door behind me.

"I don't see what we have to talk about. You abandoned the kids for 2 fucking weeks Brandy. And then you show up to MY house with this nigga? What the fuck yo? You putting a nigga before our kids now?" I sighed sitting down.

"Odell I'm sorry. I'm truly guilty for what I did and I would seriously take it back. I've just....been going through some things." I said and he chuckled shaking his head.

"Things not important than the kids right? You should be here helping me with the kids. You know how many times they called for you? They cried and everything Brandy. Shit was hard. It doesn't matter..."

Almost everything he was saying, I wasnt listening. I just want to say this now, because if I wait , its gonna make things worse.

"...your mother isn't the - "

"Odell I'm pregnant." I said. I looked at him nd he had his odd look on his face.

"Your what?" I sighed.

"I-I'm pregnant. With...Marcus's baby.." I said. He sighed shaking his head and started laughing.

"Your...Your kidding right?" He asked looking at me. I slowly shook my head.

"I wish I was.." I said.

He shook his head. It was quiet for a  minute. I glanced over at him and his leg was shaking, his veins was popping out of his head, and he was tightening his fists and clenching his jaws. 

"Odell I'm so -"

"GET THE HELL OUT!" He yelled making me jump.

"Odell I didn't mean to -"


"Odell..." I said crying. I grow touching him, but he pushed my hand away roughly and looked at me. His eyes were red and tears were forming.

"DON'T FUCKING ...touch me." He said through his teeth. I sighed wiping my tears.

"Odell I didn't mean to be pregnant by him I swear. It all -"

"How the fuck you don't mean to get pregnant?! You could've at least used some fucking protection man! I'm crying because you don't know how hurt I am Brandy , You don't know! I was fighting to get you back and you clearly want that fucking dred headed ass dude out there. What if he doesn't step up and be a dad when the baby comes? What you gonna do then?"

"He said he's excited. It's his family's first little one. He cares about me Odell. More than what your ass did. He isn't gonna leave me after the baby is born like you did." I got up.

"Best friends my ass. I knew some shit was up." He shook his head opening the door.

"You can go now.." He pointed outside. I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever Odell. Your just jealous."

"Jealous of what? That I'm not the baby's dad? Nah ma , I'm good. Pretty sure he ain't gonna do right anyways. 4 damm kids Brandy..Hmph , guess the media was right about you being a hoe." He said and my mouth dropped. I immediately punched him in the face two times and kicked him in his...area and face.

I grabbed his by his face revealing his black eye and busted lip which was streaming blood.

"Don't you EVER call me a hoe!" I spit in his face and walked out the hour slamming the door behind me.

I got in the car and looked back at the kids who was on their electronics and Laina was sleep. Marcus looked at me

"You good?" I nodded smirking.

"I am now. I'll tell you the story later." He nodded and started the car driving out the driveway.

I smirked at the house as we left.

• •

Looking at it now , I'm glad I'm pregnant. Clearly , he's jealous. When the baby come , I'm gonna show it off so hard and make sure he does.

I'm officially done with Odell Beckham Jr.

He wants to call me a hoe? I'm gonna show him how big of a " hoe " I am.

And no I'm not about to go around fucking people.

I'm just gonna continue to make him mad.

Fuck his feelings.

• | Marcus | •

I dont know what the fuck what was happening or being said in that house, but Brandy looks like she just accomplished something and she's happy.

I can't wait until she tells me what happened 

•  •

Fuck that nigga Odell. His jealous ass can suck dick and die for all I care.

Brandy is gonna be mine soon. When I asked her a month ago, she still wasn't ready.

I fully understand but now I feel like she's really ready.

She's gonna be mine soon. I'm gonna get the family I've always wanted. I'm gonna take Odell's place too.

And there's nothing he can do about it. 😏


Single Mother 2 ~ ODELL BJ | DONE |Where stories live. Discover now