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• Friday •

° | Brandy's Pov | °

I woke Harmony and Jayden up to get ready for school. Odell and A'Laina were in bed together sleeping.

I got Harmony dressed in a pair od blue jeans, a white polo shirt, and her gold and white Jordans Odell brought her. I put her hair into one of her curly buns and her bow in her hair. "Ow mommy!" She said playing with her dolls.

"Ou, sorry baby girl." I loosened her bow a bit. I then kissed her cheek. "All done. Go brush your teeth and wait for me and Jay." She nodded smiling and ran to her bathroom. 

I walked to Jayden's room and he was playing on his tablet. "Boy you heard me calling you?"

"Sowwy mommy. Is it time to go?" I nodded turning on his light. I grabbed his sponge and rubbed it in circles over his head. { Author's Note - Y'all Know Those Sponges Boys Use To Get Their Lil Twist }

"Mama, where's daddy?" He asked. "Daddy's sleeping with Laina." I said.

I got him dressed in a pair of grey pants, a red T-Shirt, and his Red Pumas. I put his necklace on and he smiled looking like Odell.

"Go brush your teeth and meet me downstairs."

"Okay." He ran to the bathroom.

~ ~ ~

The kids already ate, so they were good.

"You guys ready?" I helped them put their school bags on and drove to their school.

Harmony is in Pre-K, while Jayden is in Preschool.

First, I was dropping Harms off.

~ ~ ~

"Alright baby girl, have a good day. I love you." I hugged and kissed her. "Love you too mommy. Bye Jay." They hugged. "Bye." He said.

We watched as she ran into the school.

"Ready lil man?" He ran back to the truck and I smiled.

~ ~ ~

I closed the door behind Jayden and we went to the front desk.

"GoodMorning Ms. Beckham. Hello Jayden." The lady said.

"Hi." Jayden said

"GoodMorning Helen. How are you?" She nodded handing me the sign in sheet. "Im doing fine. Waiting on this break." We shared a little laugh.

"Oh that's nice. Well, see you later." I didn't have time to talk my to people. I'm just tired and ready to go back to sleep.

I walked Jayden to his class.

"Be good babe." I told him and he pouted. "Mommy, I don't want to stay here." He whined.

Here he goes.

Sometimes, Jayden be in the mood to come, and sometimes to doesn't to when he crys when i leave. This is the time when he acts spoiled.

"Baby don't worry, I'll be back. Don't worry. Daddy's gonna come pick you and Harmony up." He hugged my neck.

"I wanna go hwome!" He cried. People started looking and kids too. 

"Jayden Odell Beckham Jr, You better stop acting like this and I'm not playing." I said in a serious tone. He knows when I'm serious, I'm not playing.

I'm not afraid to whoop his ass. He has a hard head just like Odell.

He sighed and pouted going to his seat. I looked at him with the facial expression of fix your damn face and he fixed it. I blew him a kiss and he went play with some friends. 

I left the school, and headed home. First heading to McDonalds for some breakfast and some coffee.

~ ~ ~

After getting my food, I waited for my drink. I was waiting in the parking lot, and I spotted a woman at the bus stop across the street.

She looked familiar but I couldn't really tell with the cars passing.

I literally had to get out the car and see.

That's when I realized it was that girl Kinsley that hair I did at the salon.

{ Author's Note - If You Guys Forgot Who Kinsley Was, She Was The 20 Year Old Who Was Pregnant And She Was Scared To Tell Her Mother Because Her Mother Was Gonna Put Her Out, Well She's Back. }

My mouth dropped seeing her. She was absolutely right. Her mother did put her out. Why would she do such a thing? I seen a baby in her arms wrapped in a blanket like a butterfly cocoon.

Why didn't she call me?!

"Here you go mam." I grabbed the cup and paid the man keeping the change.

I got in my truck, and raced across the street. I did a U-Turn pulling up on the side.

She looked at me and her face lit up.

"Brandy." She semi-yelled. She looked like she seen a ghost. I rushed over to her. "What happened?!" I sat down next to her.

"My mom kicked me out. I couldn't call you because she broke my phone and threw it in the ditch. After I had my baby girl, she kicked me out. Now I'm homeless." She started crying.

"Aww...don't cry. What's your baby's name?" I carefully picked her up. She was actually beautiful.

Beautiful curly hair, chuby cheeks, but Brown eyes. Omg. She's beautiful. "She's so beautiful. Whats her name?" I said and Kinsley smiled a bit.

"Kinna." I awee. "Beautiful." I said.

"T-Thanks." She said.  It grew quiet and Odell started calling.

Me : "Hello?"

Odell : Baby where you at?!c

Me : "Odell calm down! I stopped at McDonalds."

Odell : "Oh, Hurry back home.:

Me : "Kay."

"I guess you should be going. Thanks for stopping by." Kinsley said. You could hear the scared and hear in her voice. 

I can't let her stay like this. And I'm not.

"Come on Kinsley." I said getting up. "Where are a going?" She asked.

"Your moving into my house." She smiled. "Really?" I nodded.

"Yeah. Don't worry, I have some thing at home too. I have a baby girl. But were gonna have to go shopping later."

"Great. Omg, this is so amazing." She got up and I smiled putting the Kinna in A'Laina's babyseat.

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