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~ About An Hour Later ~

• | BRANDY | •

I was sleeping and then the car door closed causing me to wake up. I looked over seeing Odell getting inside and starting the car.

" Well .. took you long enough , " Odell laughed a bit pulling out the complex.

" I know right. Harold got a damn car motor for his damn mouth. He told me to tell you , ehhh. " Odell wingled his tongue in my face. I laughed pushing his face away.

" Boy stop. " I sighed laying back putting my feet up and looked out the window.

I decided to just tell Odell about what Marcus and i jus talked about. Just because I feel more safe around him and I see that he really cares about me.

I'm not saying Marcus doesn't care about me, but you know.

" So when you were talking , I was texting Marcus. " He sighed loudly. 

" But you won't believe it. That person I thought I seen , was actually Marcus! He said he wants to take me back home ." Odell shrugged.

"And what ? You going huh ?" I shook my head

" No I'm actually mad at him. I told him he should've told me that he was coming. I told him that I need my space from him."

" Yeah right. " I shook my head.

" Odell can you at least lose for attitude ?" He shook his head and I sighed.

I don't even care any more. This is exactly why I don't really like to tell Odell anything because he always jumps to things.

" Can we go to the park or something? " I asked.

" Yeah then after we can go pass by my mom. Heard she made some food today." He said and I laughed a bit.

• |  ODELL  | •

It did piss me off when she told me that she still talking to that pussy. I don't see why she is.

When she see what he's really like, I'm gonna be right here waiting for her.

I pulled up at the park and turned off the car.

My phone vibrated seeing a message from Spot.

Bro💪💉: " Where y'all at ? We here and y'all ain't here ."

Me : " We at the park. Come pass thru ."

Bro 💪💉: " Fashoo. "

I locked my phone and got the kids out the car and they woke up.

"Mmm daddy , where are we ?" Harmony asked rubbing her eyes and resting her face in my neck.

" Were at the park baby girl . After , were going to grandma's house ." I said and she nodded getting down and ran to the playground with Jayden and behind her.

Laina stayed with Brandy and I since she isn't a real easy waker.

So , Brandy let her sleep on her.

"Lets go under this tree here ." I said and laid a blanket down and we sat down watching Harm and Jayden.

Although B may be upset at me right now, but I want to tell her what I feel about her and Marcus. And how jealous I'm getting.

"Brandy I'm sorry for talking to you like that ." I said and she nodded playing in Laina's hair

"Brandy I'm serious . I really am . I just don't like him and you together . You never know , he could be just like Dominic . Starting with the stalking . I'm trying to help you ma . I'm also ... sorry for being jealous . And I still am , but I can't right stop . Brandy my love for you never go away . Ever . And that future of us getting married ." I said and she looked at me. The sunlight beamed in her big brown eyes.

"Really ?" I nodded and she blushed.

"I'm not gonna lie , I do love you too . I just dont want to go down that road again Odell ." I grabbed her hand.

"That was the old Odell . This is the new Odell . Think I might still have a chance ?" I asked. Damn I hope this works because Brandy his has me head over heels. I been in love with her since lil kids and I still am.

She's beautiful, strong, the mother of my child.

Brandy looked down at our hands then back at me with a saddened look.

"O-Odell I don't know right now . Maybe friends are good for right now... " I nodded and let her hand go

Yeah I'm a lil hurt, but I understand and I'll give her, her time.

But I'm never giving up and no one is having Brandy. But me.

But first, I need to take Marcus out.


Single Mother 2 ~ ODELL BJ | DONE |Where stories live. Discover now